Old Basford School

Opportunities Bring Success

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Foundation 1

Meet the Team for


Key information:


- Please make sure all your child belongings are clearly labelled with their full name. This includes their water bottles, bags, wellies, and lunchboxes. 

- Please only fill bottles with water. 

- Children can bring in a piece of fruit for snack only. 

- If your child stays for lunch please provide a healthy lunch. No nuts- this includes chocolate spread. 

- Please provide spare clothes for your child to get changed into in case of them having a toilet accident. Please provide plenty of pants and trousers. 

Our learning:

This half term we will be learning to get better at using our listening ears. We will be learning about lots of different sounds we can hear and matching animals to the sounds they make. Reading stories with your child at home will really support them with their learning, not just at Nursery but all through school! Sharing a story at bedtime helps your child to relax as well as teaching them lots of new words and helping them to learn all about the world around them. 


Each week we will be learning a new Nursery Rhyme. The children will come home with a paper copy for you to practice the song with your child. A link to the rhyme will also be added to the website. Please practise the rhymes with your child at home (even if they already know it) as it will increase their confidence to sing at Nursery and help to develop their speaking and listening skills. 


For the next few weeks we will be learning the story 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' by Bill Martin. Please click the link below to view the story.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See - Animated Children's Book (youtube.com)

We will also be learning the story as a song:

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Song | Kids Songs | Eric Carle Book | Colors | Animals (youtube.com) 


Please share the storybook with your child and talk about the different animals; what colour they are, what sounds they make and how they move.


We are here to work with you and your child to support them in their learning. Please come and speak to a member of staff if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you for your support. 

Week beginning 9.9.24

Week beginning 2.9.24


Wow! What a fantastic first week back we have had! We have welcomed back some familiar faces from last year as well as welcoming lots of new children into Nursery. The children have made us so proud with how well they have settled into Nursery in just a few days! The children have had lots of fun playing with all the toys and exploring both our indoor and outdoor learning environments. We look forward to welcoming some more new children next week and making lots of new friends! Well done Nursery! 
