Old Basford School

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Foundation 1

Meet the Team for


Key Dates:

Tuesday 5th November- Individual photos

Thursday 14th November- Stay and Play- 10:45-11:30am for children who attend morning sessions. 2:30- 3:20pm for children who stay at Nursery all day.

This will be a time for you to come and spend time playing with your child in Nursery. The children will choose both inside and out so please wrap up warm! 

Wednesday 4th December- Early Years Christmas play- 9:30am Please book your free ticket

Friday 6th December- Early Years Christmas play for Grandparents 2:30pm Please book your free ticket

Thursday 19th December 11am- 11:30am- Nursery's Achievement assembly (for all Nursery children). 

Friday 20th December- Last day of school

Letter for Storytelling experience

Key information:


- Please make sure all your child belongings are clearly labelled with their full name. This includes their water bottles, bags, wellies, and lunchboxes. 

- Please only fill bottles with water. 

- Children can bring in a piece of fruit for snack only. 

- If your child stays for lunch please provide a healthy lunch. No nuts- this includes chocolate spread. 

- Please provide spare clothes for your child to get changed into in case of them having a toilet accident. Please provide plenty of pants and trousers. 

Our learning:

This half term we will be learning to get better at using our listening ears. We will be learning about lots of different sounds and exploring how we can make sounds with our voice, body and musical instruments.  Reading stories with your child at home will really support them with their learning, not just at Nursery but all through school! Sharing a story at bedtime helps your child to relax as well as teaching them lots of new words and helping them to learn all about the world around them. 


Each week we will be learning a new Nursery Rhyme. The children will come home with a paper copy for you to practice the song with your child. A link to the rhyme will also be added to the website. Please practise the rhymes with your child at home (even if they already know it) as it will increase their confidence to sing at Nursery and help to develop their speaking and listening skills. 


This half term the children will start by learning the story of Chicken Licken. Please click on the link below to watch the story with your child. You could talk to your child about the different animals in the story, what colours they are and the sounds they make. 

Chicken Licken | Fairy Tales | Gigglebox

We will later be looking at the story 'Dear Santa' by Rod Campbell. This is a lovely book with flaps for children to uncover each part of the story. If you don't have this book at home, why not see if you can borrow it from your local library. 


We are here to work with you and your child to support them in their learning. Please come and speak to a member of staff if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you for your support. 

Autumn Term 2 

Week beginning 2.12.24

Week beginning 25.11.24

It's Christmas!!!!

The children have had great fun decorating the Christmas tree and dancing along to some classic Christmas tunes! They are very excited to be starting the class advent calendar on Monday! I wonder what is going to be behind door number 1?! 

Christmas is in full swing in Nursery! We have been practising hard for the Christmas play, using our big voices to sing our songs nice and loud. We can't wait for you to come and watch us all on Wednesday! Don't forget to book your tickets! 

We have started making our Christmas cards this week too! The children have enjoyed exploring all the different Christmas crafts to make their own unique cards! They are very proud of their creations and can not wait to bring them home to show you! We have had some glittery Christmas playdough which the children have loved making Christmas cookies for Santa and his elves! 

This week we have started learning our new story, 'Dear Santa'. The children are already joining in with parts of the story and guessing what is hiding under each flap in the book! 

Super learning again this week Nursery! Well done! 

Week beginning 18.11.24

How amazing it was to wake up to a winter wonderland on Tuesday! The children had great fun exploring the snow, but it was very cold! In the afternoon we all had a hot chocolate to warm up! Over the week we watched as the snow turned from being soft and crunchy into hard chunks of solid ice. We found blocks of ice outside where the water had frozen into slabs of ice! The children had great fun looking at the ice and talking about what it looks and feels like before then using different tools to break up the ice into tiny pieces. 

Inside, the children have been practising to control their breath by blowing pom poms and feathers using straws. This helps children to develop their mouth muscles as well as their breathing to support them to say their sounds correctly. The children have also tried really hard to develop their cutting skills by learning how to hold scissors correctly and snipping across paper.  Super work everyone! Well done for another great week in Nursery! 

Week beginning 11.11.24

Well done Nursery for another super week! This week we have been very busy learning the songs ready for our Christmas play which will be in a few weeks! (See key dates above) In maths the children have been singing '5Little Ducks' and learning about what happens when one goes away. We have been working hard to show amounts to 5 on our fingers. Keep practising this at home with your grown-ups! Thank you to everyone who came for the 'Stay and Play' session. The children really enjoyed showing you their Nursery and their favourite places to play and learn! 

Week beginning 4.11.24

What a busy first week back we have had. The children started the week learning all about Diwali and Bonfire Night. The children created their own Rangoli patterns and decorated hands with Mehndi patterns. The children have loved creating their own firework pictures using glue and glitter and have created lots of different shapes in the tray with their fingers using glitter. 

In our small carpet sessions we spoke about fireworks we have seen and the sounds they make. We used our voice and bodies to replicate some firework sounds.

The children have been introduced to our focus story 'Chicken Licken' and have enjoyed playing with the story props during choosing time to help them retell parts of the story. 

Well done for settling back into Nursery so quickly after the two week break! You have all been fabulous! 

Week Beginning 14.11.24

This week Nursery have been working hard to learn the story of 'The Enormous Turnip'. We have been acting out the story during Big Book time and working hard to join in with the words and actions! Great work Nursery! 

The children have loved exploring the pumpkins, scooping out the insides and collecting all the little seeds. We said that it felt all slimy, gloopy and yucky. It was great fun getting our hands and fingers covered in pumpkin slime! 

In small group time we have been working hard to listen to different sounds and seeing if we can guess the sound from the shopping bag! They had to listen very carefully to find what was making the sound from the shopping bag. Was it the scrunchy crisps or the jingling pennies?! 


Well done Nursery for an absolutely fabulous first half term. You have all been amazing in your own unique way! You have made all the adults so proud with how quickly you have settled and how much you have learnt! Enjoy your half term and we look forward to seeing you back in Nursery on Monday 4th November. 

Week Beginning 7.10.24

The children have had great fun getting their bodies ready to write in our 'Write Dance' sessions this week. We warmed up our arms and hands by making some large shapes in the air to some of our favourite music. The children were then given large pieces of paper to practice making large horizontal lines using their preferred hand for writing. The children loved mark making to the music! Great work everyone! 

Week beginning 30.9.24 

What another super week we have had! The children have done their first session of 'Write Dance' which they very much enjoyed. They were practising making big marks on large pieces of paper, moving their  arms and hands up and down to create different lines. The children all did super listening and joined in so well! 

The children have had great fun playing outside, splashing in the muddy puddles and creating potions! It has been lovely to see them work together in their play, sharing their ideas with their friends. 

This week we have introduced our new story, 'The Enormous Turnip'. The children have had great fun learning the new word 'enormous' and joining in with trying to pull the turnip out of the ground.

Please see the link below for the Enormous Turnip song we have been sharing with the children this week to help them learn the story. 


Week beginning 23.9.24

What another great week we have had! The children have loved continuing to learn the story of 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?' They have enjoyed listening to the song and the Miss Nina rap which they have been joining in with, singing some of the words from memory! Well done! 

It has been a bit of a wet week outside, however this has not stopped us from exploring the outdoors and splashing in the muddy puddles! The children have loved making potions in the digging area and wadding through the swampy puddles! Please ensure your child brings wellies and waterproofs to Nursery with them each day, along with their school shoes. Please also ensure you pack lots of spare clothes, especially, pants, socks and trousers so we can change them if needed. Please label everything that belongs to your child! 

The children have all now got their very own name card. We will be working with the children to learn to hold their pen correctly (using the tripod grip) and writing the first letter in their name. Please practice this with your child at home too! 

Well done Nursery! Another amazing weeek!

Week Beginning 16.9.24

What another super week we have had! It is so lovely to see the children so settled and happy in Nursery! The children are really enjoying learning our story 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' They have especially loved learning the song (see the link above). This would be a great book to share with your child at bedtime to help them learn the story and talk about the animals! 

The children have been working hard learning all about animal sounds. This week we have been looking at the sounds the animals make in our story 'Brown Bear' as well as looking at the sounds farm animals make. It has been so wonderful to hear the children confidently matching the sounds to the animals and making the animal sounds themselves! Great work and super listening skills Nursery!

Some children have been working hard to learn how to hold and use scissors this week! It is lovely to see so many of them being creative! Please work with your child to practise using scissors correctly and discussing with them how to use them in a safe way.

Well done Nursery for another super week! You have blown all the adults away with how hard you are working and how independent you are becoming! Well done! 

Week beginning 9.9.24

What a super week of learning we have had! The children have made all the grown-ups so proud with how well they continue to settle. Lots of children are now saying a happy good-bye to their grown-ups in the morning. Every single child is now enjoying choosing and playing with all the different toys both inside and out! It has been lovely to see the children so settled in their learning and making friendships already! 

The children have really enjoyed learning our new story 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' They are already joining in with the words and know lots of their colours! We are so impressed! Well done! 

We are having a really big push on developing children's independence skills. Please work with your child to learn to put their own coats on and to wash their hands using soap on their own! 

Thank you for supporting your child with their learning at home! Please come and speak to a member of the team if you have any questions.


Week beginning 2.9.24


Wow! What a fantastic first week back we have had! We have welcomed back some familiar faces from last year as well as welcoming lots of new children into Nursery. The children have made us so proud with how well they have settled into Nursery in just a few days! The children have had lots of fun playing with all the toys and exploring both our indoor and outdoor learning environments. We look forward to welcoming some more new children next week and making lots of new friends! Well done Nursery! 
