Old Basford School

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Spring term

Our Topic is...


This half term we are exploring the book 'Rumble In The Jungle' through a sensory story with lots of different sights, sounds, feelings and actions. We are learning about different animals and using this to develop our communication, fine motor skills and early maths skills.


We will also be learning the songs 'Old MacDonald', 'Animal Fair', '5 Little Speckled Frogs' and '5 Little Ducks.'


Take a look at some of our learning below.

Week 3 - Slippery Snakes

We've loved looking at the snakes this week in our story. We have used our fine motor skills to make spiral snakes, practiced cutting with scissors, made snake marks in flour and oobleck gloop and had a brilliantly messy morning making snake bread. We've worked hard on our counting through songs and with cubes and numicon, and we are busy exploring the sounds /s/ /a/ /t/ and /p/ each morning. We've enjoyed playdough and animal bubble baths too!

Week 2 - Elephants and Zebras

As we've carried on with our Rumble In The Jungle book, we've loved adding sounds to the different animals. We've had lots of different sensory experiences such as animals in jelly, zebra biscuits and stripy paintings. We've done good work threading and counting rings on to the elephant's trunk and feeding him pompom snacks. We also made jungle shakers and enjoyed making animals with the playdough. 




Week 1 - Jungles, Chimpanzees and Lions

This week, we have really enjoyed joining in with our sensory story, especially the drum and the animal sound buttons. We made leaf shakers to add sound effects to the story and counted monkeys climbing up a tree. We have painted lions using a fork (and other ways) to make a mane. We tried to make trees using our new magnet toy and had lots of fun mixing, rolling and spreading to make lion jam tarts!
