Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
We can not wait to begin our learning journey with you and see all the fantastic ways that you will blossom this year!
Meet the Team
Key Information
PE Uniform days Autumn 1:
Please send your child to school wearing the appropriate PE kit on PE days (please take into consideration the weather).
Wednesday - Outdoor
Thursday - Indoor
Meet the Teacher
Spring 1 - Writing Parent Workshop
Autumn 2 Maths Parent Workshop
Autumn 1 - Reading and Phonics Parent Workshop
Supporting your child at home
The most important thing you can do with your child is listen to them read and find the time to share books together. Below you can find the video links to all of the sounds covered in the rocket phonics books. As a guide, your child should be on yellow books in the Autumn term and green or orange books by the end of the summer term. Please also find a document with the common exception words below.
An introduction to phonics and the alphabetic code -
Pink A
Pink B
Red A
Red B
In year 1 we really embed the basics to become confident in all areas of maths. We are beginning to use Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to ensure your child has speedy recall of essential maths facts. Your child should know them quickly as they will help them in all areas of maths. Please find the KIRFs for year 1 below with some helpful hints. In the Autumn term we are focussing on knowing our numbers to 10, their value and how to write them in numerals and words.
Spring 1- A Toy Story
Key Dates:
Monday 6th January- First day back at school.
Wednesday 22nd January- Year 1 Workshop 9am
Friday 7th February- SEND Coffee Morning 9am
Friday 14th February- Last Day of the Half-Term
Week 3
Another fantastic week in Year 1. The children have been doing lots of independent learning this week. The children independently wrote out the story of Dogger. We were impressed with number of children that were just 'having a go' at using their phonics knowledge to segment to write words.
In computing, the children used a map to practice moving their BeeBot forwards and backwards and seeing where it ended up.
In maths, the children have been growing in confidence with their ordering and comparison of numbers between 11 and 20.
Week 2
Another busy week in Year 1, delving further into our new topic of toys. This week the children explored old toys in history. It was a great opportunity for the children to handle old toys and play with them. We looked at flickbooks, marbles, Jacob's ladder, wooden yoyo, rag dolls and Russian dolls. The children then did a sorting activity of old and new toys.
In computing, class 3 and 4 have started using the Beebots and pretend to program each other to me.
We have been learning new numbers in maths. We have explored representations of 11-20 and how these numbers are formed with tens and ones.
Week 1
Welcome back for Spring Term in Year 1!
We are so excited to have all the children back for our second term together and hope that you all had a fantastic winter break. We have loved hearing about all the exciting things that you got up to over our break from school.
The children have thrown themselves back into their learning with the introduction of our new topic- A Toy Story. To launch our new topic we had a toy day on Monday where the children brought in their favourite toy and shared why this toy was their favourite. We then did observational drawings of our favourite toy and went on a toy hunt when Jigsaw Jack went missing!
AUTUMN 2- The Night Adventure
Week 7
What a fabulous, fun, festive last week at school before the break! The children kicked off the week with the Achievement Assembly and we shared the children's successes and all the reasons that we are so proud of them. Then we have been doing festive instruction writing to make hot chocolate and describing winter scenes. On Thursday, it was our Christmas party and we played lots of different party games and watched the Cbeebies Pantomime with our party food. It was a lovely time!
From all the year 1 team we wish you a safe and happy break and we look forward to seeing you back in school in the new year!
Week 6
This week has been a week full of creative homework submissions! Lots of the children have taken part in the homework to make or create something that would make Plop (our owl from the story) enjoy the dark. We have had everything from a handmade telescope, lanterns, a story for plop, night time scenes and a bed for Plop. The teachers have been so impressed with the children's creativity and dedication.
Children then used their developing speaking and listening skills to present their homework to their class mates and answer questions. It was lovely to see and the year 1 team are so proud of them.
Week 5
The children have been getting in the festive spirit at school this week. They have been cutting out Santa Claus and decorating baubles. We have also had some beautiful Christmas jumpers worn to school!
In Literacy, the children have started a new topic of instruction writing. To launch our topic the children drunk hot chocolate in preparation to write instructions on how to make hot chocolate.
In science, the children learned about nocturnal and diurnal animals and have had to categorise them.
Week 4
Week 1
The children have had a fantastic first week back topped off by a visit from 4 different birds. The children had the opportunity to meet Casper the 8 month old barn owl, Diego the 5 year old white faced owl, Maverick the falcon and Henretta the 22 year old Hawk eagle. The children asked some fantastic question to ask our handler Alice and they all had the opportunity to stroke the birds. It was a great experience and will feed into some awesome writing in literacy.
AUTUMN 1- Super Me!
Key Dates:
Tuesday 3rd September 2.45pm- Meet the Teacher event
Tuesday 1st October 3.30pm onwards- Pupil Review Meeting
Thursday 3rd October 3.30pm onwards- Pupil Review Meeting
Thursday 17th October- Show Racism the Red Card Event
Thursday 17th October- Last day of half-term.
Friday 18th October- INSET Day (school closed to all pupils)
Week 5
Another week completed in Year 1 with lots of fantastic learning completed. The children have been busy in maths learning about comparing amounts using the words 'greater than' and 'less than'. The children have been pretending to be crocodiles to gobble up the biggest number using the correct symbols < >. We are so proud of their independence and ability to listen on the carpet and then complete work at the table independently.
In Literacy, the children have been innovating the story from Superworm to Superbee. They have been coming up with some fantastic adjectives and ideas. Well done year 1.
In the afternoons, we have been doing lots of science work comparing different materials and typing our names on the laptop.
Week 4
Wow the teachers can not believe that we are on Week 4 already!
We have been super busy working on our science topic. This week we went outside to make a worm world and explore how worms survive in the soil. We then used our senses to explore different materials.
In our morning work, the children have been practicing their digraphs, building unifix Super worms, practicing number formation and building patterns using lollipop sticks.
Week 3
The children have had a busy week in Year 1! We kicked off the week with a parent reading workshop, which was very well attended! Thank you for the support, positive response and engagement.
We have started handwriting this week, the children have been learning all about long-legged giraffe letters like l,i,t,u,j,y. They have been practicing how they hold their pencil, how they sit when writing and tilting the paper when writing.
In Literacy this week we have been fixing sentences and writing our own to caption pictures for Superworm.
In maths the children have been working together to match various representations to 10.
On Tuesday, the children were treated to a silent disco! The children had so much fun listening to the music and dancing with their friends.
Week 2
Another super successful week in Year 1! The children are beginning to get to grips with the busy timetable of year 1 and all the new lessons. We launched our brand new topic on Monday 'Super Me' with the children making superhero masks, learning all about super heros and thinking about our pre-topic questions.
In Literacy this week we have introduced our new story Superworm and began describing what we can see on the front cover and drawing text maps.
The children were incredibly excited on Thursday when we had our first science lesson and looked at the model skeleton. The children drew around their bodies and labelled the different parts that they could see.
Week 1
What a super week our new Year 1s have had! They have settled into their new classrooms and new routines well. Teachers have commented on how smartly all the children have been walking to assembly everyday. Well done!
We have had a jam packed week of learning around our whole school book- You Can by Alexandra Strick. The children have been learning that they can do and be anything that they want to be. We have done art work, PSHE, PE, written in our new phonics books, made a friendship agreement and designed their own dream world.
We couldn't be any prouder of the children and just know that we are going to have a fantastic year full of learning together.