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Year 2

Meet the Team


The Year 2 team are really looking forward to welcoming you all in to Year 2. We have lots of exciting and interesting things to learn this year and we can't wait to get started.

PE Autumn Term  - Remember to come in your PE uniform on these days. 


Tuesday - Indoor PE with Coach Hannah and Art/DT with Mrs Maker. 

Thursday - Outdoor PE 

Important Dates for your diary 

Tuesday 3rd September - Meet the teacher meeting 3:40PM in the hall. 

Tuesday 12th November-Odd socks day

Friday 15th November-Children in Need

Friday 6th December-Y2 maths parent workshop 9.00-9.45

Supporting your child at home



The most important thing you can do with your child is listen to them read and find the time to share books together. Below you can find the video links to all of the sounds covered in the rocket phonics books up to orange level to support your children’s progress at home.


As a guide, your child should be on orange/turquoise books at the end of Autumn term to meet age related expectations and then on gold/white by the end of the summer term. Please also find a document with the common exception words below.


An introduction to phonics and the alphabetic code - 



Pink A


Pink B



Red A


Red B


















Please see the common exception words for Year 1 and Year 2, children have these in their diaries and you could support their learning at home by ensuring they can read and spell the common exception words.




At Old Basford, we use our Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to ensure your child has speedy recall of essential maths facts. Your child should know them quickly as they will help them in all areas of maths. These again, are in your child’s diaries but you can also see them below. If your child is struggling, you could look at Year 1’s KIRFS to help build up their confidence. Please find the KIRFs for year 2 below.

























Websites to help

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com) ( Username and Passwords in diaries) 






We learn lots of spelling rules through our phonics work each day in class and we also work hard to try and learn the Year 2 common exception words. Both the Year 1 and Year 2 words are stuck in your child's diary so they can practise these at home. You can also see them below. 



Autumn 2-Mission to the Moon

This half term our topic is called 'Mission to the Moon'. We will be learning all about the first moon landing , and learning about important people from the past such as Catherine Johnson, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. We will be creating some gorgeous art work linked to the moon, and will be designing and making our vey own moon buggies in DT!

This is such an exciting topic and is always one of the children's favourites.

See more information below in our knowledge organiser ...

Autumn 2 week 4

In Year 2 this week we have been working very hard!

in literacy we have started to learn a new text map for a newspaper report. In maths we have started to learn about the features of 2D shaped by counting sides and vertices. We have also had a go at drawing shapes-this was very tricky!

In our topic learning we found out about the first Briton to go to space-Helen Sharman. We worked in groups to produce some fabulous posters about her. 

Autumn 2-week 3

The highlight of this week was on Thursday when we all designed, made and evaluated moon buggy models. We used recycled materials for the moon buggies, and we added wheels and axles to make them move. We had such great fun, and were all really pleased with our final models.

Autumn 2- week 2

This week we have been enjoying taking some of our learning outside. In our science work, we went outside to look for different materials in our environment. We found lots of things are made out of plastic, wood and metal because it is a strong material.

In literacy we have been improving our writing skills, by writing extended sentences with conjunctions, and we have started to plan a character profile for an alien pet parrot!

In maths we have been doing lots of practical work to help us understand how to solve addition and subtraction work using the column method. Below are some photographs of us working in pairs using base 10, and investigating different materials.

Autumn 2- week 1


This week in Year 2 we had great fun opening our new topic

with our WOW day. We started off by responding to the theme tune to 'Star Wars' and using our imagination to create space backgrounds for our display. Then we made some beautiful, bright rockets to  add a 3D element.

We have watched a video clip of the first moon landing, and started to learn about Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins who were all on the Apollo 11 during that amazing global event.


Autumn 1 - In to the Woods 

Welcome back to school Year 2! We are very excited to start the term and can't wait to start all of the exciting things we have planned.  Our topic is called In to the Woods. Each Tuesday afternoon, you will be taught art by the tremendous Mrs Maker and PE by our talented sports coach. We will also have weekly Computing and Music lessons. We will have a daily phonics and shared reading session just like year 1.  In writing, our two Talk for Writing units will focus on writing a descriptive Warning Poster and writing a traditional tale.  Our main math's focus will be place value. 


You can see our overview for the half term and knowledge organisers below:


Autumn 1-week 7

This has been such a busy 4 days in school. Not only have year 2 been competing their double page spreads to show us everything that they have remembered from our learning, but they have also completed assessments for reading, maths and spelling and grammar. The children have been incredibly resilient and we rae very proud of them.

On Thursday we all wore red clothes to school to show that we support the 'Show Racism the Red Card' message. We talked about the many ways in which we are all different, and we designed our own posters.

Autumn 1-Week 6

In Year 2 this week, we have started to learn about addition and subtraction using different methods. We are trying really hard to learn our number bonds to 10 to help with solving addition calculations with speed and accuracy.

In literacy, we have been busy writing our own traditional tales. The children really enjoyed putting their own 'twist' on original stories, whilst trying to make sure they still used traditional story language and exciting new vocabulary.

We have finished our topic for this term, so we have had our 'end of topic quiz'. Congratulations to the children below who won the quiz with their excellent knowledge of work from this term.

Autumn 1-Week 5

This week we have been very busy in literacy, learning our new text map for Little Red Riding Hood. We will be writing our own traditional tales next week.

In maths we have now completed our work on place value and will be moving on to addition and subtraction.

In topic, we have been thinking about why different animals live in different habitats, and thinking about woodland creatures in particular. We have also been busy designing posters showing countryside rules.

Thank you to all of the parents that came to pupil review meetings, it was so nice to meet you and discuss your children's successes so far.

 Autumn 1- week 4

Another busy week in Year 2! This week we have been building up to write our first innovation write. We loved writing a WARNING poster for our own woodland creature.

In maths we have been learning about comparing numbers up to 100, and have also been using the < and > symbols.

In the afternoons we have been using drama to act out and remember how a bulb grows into a daffodil, and we have had great fun in dance lessons with Miss Talia.


 Autumn 1 week 3

This has been such a busy and exciting week. We started off the week with a silent disco in the hall as a special treat-it was so much fun dancing around with each other to music wearing headphones.

In lessons we have been learning all about seeds. We have planted cress seeds in home made greenhouses in our classrooms, and dissected white kidney bean seeds, to learn what is inside a seed. We have also planted some daffodil bubs which should look beautiful in the Spring.

In literacy we have listened to the story 'The Gruffalo's child, and spent lots of work describing the big bad mouse and writing sentences using conjunctions.

In maths, we have continued to learn about place value, and have been using equipment to partition two-digit  numbers in different ways.

Below are some photos showing highlights of the week...

Autumn 1-week 2

We have had an amazing week in Year 2. We have had our new topic WOW day in which we made maps of the Gruffalo woods, played a Gruffalo game in the hall, and we even made delicious Gruffalo crumble-YUM YUM!

In literacy we have written about a mystery visitor to our trim trail. We looked at lots of strange cluses such as feathers, bones and giant footsteps, then wrote WARNING posters.

In maths we have started our  unit on place value and have done lots of work on tens and ones.

See below for some photos of our week...

Autumn Term-Week 1 

What an amazing first few days in Year 2!

We have been incredibly busy this week learning all of the rules and routines in Year 2. We have completed lots of fun activities based on the book 'I Can' by Alexandra Strick and Steve Antony. This week we have been...reading, writing, speaking, listening drawing, making, painting, and most importantly settling in to our new classes

-Well done Year 2!
