Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
We are delighted to begin the new academic year with you all and can't wait to get to know you as individuals and class groups. We have wonderful topics and exciting learning set throughout the entire year!
Meet the Team
PE Uniform days:
Monday: Indoor P.E
Thursday: Outdoor P.E
Important Dates
Thursday 5th September at 2:45- Welcome meeting and meet the teacher
Thursday 10th October – showcase event come and see what we have been making!
Monday 1st and Wednesday 3rd of October – Individual parent meetings with class teachers
Tuesday 12th November 9am - Parent workshop come and join your children to find out about marvellous maths
Tuesday 17th December 2.45am - PROUD Assembly in the School Hall
Wednesday 9th July - Year 3 camp at school
Year 3 children will all have a colour banded reading book which is appropriate for their level as well as a star reading book that is a book they can read for pleasure. Please support us by reading and discussing their books at home. There is an additional sheet stuck in diaries explaining the goals and how to help your child appropriate to the book colour they are on.
Each child has a Times Table Rock Star account and login details are stuck in diaries. This can be accessed from home so please encourage your child to have fun and practise their times tables. Inside diaries there is a copy of the times tables up to 12x and a 'key instant recall facts' (KIRFs). Each half term, a KIRF will be focussed on. Autumn 1's focus is ‘I know addition and subtraction facts to 50’.
Half Term Creative Homework Project
Every half term, we set a creative topic homework project linked to the current topic. It's always a favourite time of the term, when we share these generally in the last week before we break up.
Welcome meeting for parents
Week 2 - Introduction to our new topic
This week we have been exploring our new topic 'Stone Age to Iron Age', we have begun our topic by conducting an archaeological dig and discovering an array of exciting artefacts. The children enjoyed being archaeologists for the day and worked hard to use their observation skills carefully. We also created some beautiful pieces of art through exploring cave drawings.
Week 1- You Can!
We have had an incredible week getting to know your children! They have engaged in art work, smashed team building games in P.E and thought about their dreams for this academic year and the future. Pictures to follow...
We are going to have an incredible year!
The Stone Age to the Iron Age
Our Topic for this half term is...
Stone Age to the Iron Age
Do you love history? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take a trip back in time? If you're intrigued, then make sure you are the first in line for all our exciting events. The Year 3 team will transport you into the past, trust us you don't want to miss it!