Old Basford School

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

We are delighted to begin the new academic year with you all and can't wait to get to know you as individuals and class groups. We have wonderful topics and exciting learning set throughout the entire year!

Meet the Team


Upcoming Events

Friday 15th November - Children in Need

Monday 18th November - Disco

Thursday 19th December - Learning Showcase 3.05

Arctic Explorer Experience - Tuesday 22nd April 2025

Y5 Walesby Forest Residential - Tuesday 17th June 2025 - Wednesday 18th June 2025

PE Uniform Days


Swimming - Monday - until Christmas

Outdoor PE - Friday

Supporting your child at home


Y5 children will all have a colour banded reading book which is appropriate for their level as well as a reading for pleasure book.  Please support us by reading and discussing their books at home.  There is an additional sheet stuck in diaries explaining the goals and how to help your child.


Each week the children will be given ten spellings, engaging in daily practice using a range of fun and helpful activities. You can support them to practice their weekly spellings as well as the common exception words that you will find stuck in their diaries.

Practising their spellings little and often, making it fun is key to helping your children to become confident and successful spellers.

As a team, we can help the children to become super spellers. 


Each child has a  Times Table Rock Star account and login details are stuck in diaries.  This can be accessed from home so please encourage your child to have fun and practise their times tables.  Inside diaries there is a copy of the times tables up to 12x and  a 'key instant recall facts' (KIRFs).  Each half term, a KIRF will be focussed on.  Autumn 1's focus is multiplication and division facts to 12X.

Half Term Creative Homework Project

Every half term, we set a creative topic homework project linked to the current topic.  It's always a favourite time of the term, when we share these in the last week before we break up.

Please see flyer below, also stuck in diaries.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview for 2024 - 2025

Autumn Term Spellings


Welcome back to school Y5! We are very excited to start the term and can't wait to start all of the exciting things we have planned.  Our topic is called Life on Mars and has a science focus. Each Friday afternoon, you will be taught art by the tremendous Mrs Maker and PE by our talented sports coach. We will also have weekly Computing, Spanish and music lessons. In writing, our two Talk for Writing units will focus on writing a warning story. Our shared reading book will be 'Boy in the tower'. Our main math's focus will be multiplication and fractions.


Each week, we will upload a brief synopsis and some photos and videos.

Please see below for further documentation.

Week beginning Monday 26th November

Today, we learned about the phases of the moon.  To help, we modelled the phases using a torch as the sun, us as the Earth and a football on a pole as the moon!

Well done to these Y5 pupils who represented the school At Ellis Guilford in a sporting event this week!



In literacy this week, we are looking at the features of newspaper reports. As part of this, we became reporters and performed some amazing drama. 

Week beginning 18.11.24

Shadow investigation


In science this week, we looked at how the Earth rotates to cause night and day. To prove this, we set up an investigation to observe how a shadow moves over a day.

Week beginning 11.11.24

Our solar system


This afternoon in science, Year 5 learnt about the planets and where they are in relation to the sun and each other. We then made a scale model of our solar system using toilet paper and a variety of balls.

Week beginning 4.11.24


We kicked off our new topic 'Is there life on Mars?' today by listening to and appreciating Gustav Holst's Mars, creating symmetrical aliens using the children's names and then building spacecraft, making full use of our Creative Habits  wheel.  Much fun was had! (and we still went swimming this morning too!)

Week Commencing 14th October

Creative Homework


Year 5 have had such an amazing selection of creative homework handed in! Have a look at it below!

Week Commencing 7th October

Superb Spanish!


This afternoon, Year 5 continued learning Spanish. We looked at how to ask for directions and reply. Listen to some of the conversations below. Bien Hecho!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Year 5 enjoyed comparing maps from today and from the 1890's, examining the differences and similarities of the Forest Recreation Ground, where Goose Fair is held.

Week Commencing 30th September

Goose Fair Trip


This week, it was Class 12's turn to visit the site of the Goose Fair and carry some fantastic fieldwork. A big thank you to our parent helpers. 

Week Commencing 23rd September

Well done to all of Class 11 and our parent helpers, who braved the cold wind on Friday while we were doing our geography fieldwork at the forest Recreation ground.

Week beginning Monday 16th September

A BIG thumbs up from Year 5 and their silent disco slot!  I wonder if you can guess what we are dancing to?!


Many apologies but until we can change the format of the videos, they are unable to be uploaded)

Week Commencing 9/9/24

Class 11's Goose fair Collage

Historical Sources


This afternoon, Year 5 looked at how the Goose Fair has changed over time by using a variety of historical sources.

WOW Week


We started our 'Nottingham Nights' topic with a BANG by doing some amazing artwork. We studied the famous painting of the Goose Fair by Arthur Spooner before creating our very own, more modern version.

Week Commencing 2/9/24

First week


In our first week of Year 5, we read the book 'You Can' and discussed all of the things we could be as well as how we could be them. We also looked at the Zones of regulation and came up with a toolbox of strategies to use when we are in each zone. It has been a lovely start to Year 5, well done everyone!
