Old Basford School

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Aims and ambitions

At OBS, children receive an Art and Design curriculum that allows them to use their creativity and imagination to invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. We educate our pupils to know and understand how art and design both reflect and shape our history, culture and community. They learn about great artists, sculptors and designers, learn how to appreciate their artwork and then use this to inspire their own creativity. This is taught through a clearly planned out curriculum that equips them with the skills to produce creative work through drawing, painting, sculpture and other art forms. Learning is accessible to all and is adapted to meet the needs of the children. Teaching of Art engages pupils in discussions about art styles and techniques and how to apply them in their own work. The teaching of art and design offers opportunities to support the social development of our children, through the way we expect to work with each other in lessons. They feel empowered to experiment and express themselves creatively.

Sequence and Progression

In EYFS, we teach Art through the Early Learning Goals of: Expressive Arts and Design (Creating with materials) and Physical Development (Fine Motor Skills).We then follow the National Curriculum in Years 1 to Year 6. We have adapted the NC in to the OBS Curriculum Progression map and aligned this with a creative topic based approach to learning. Art work is age appropriate and progressive from KS1 to KS2, the seven main subject specific threads that bind the Art curriculum together are: exploring & developing ideas, evaluating and developing work, drawing, painting, printing, textiles/collage and 3D form. At the beginning of each lesson, key concepts and subject specific vocabulary are revisited and built upon. At the beginning of each Art topic, the knowledge and skill learning objective are made explicit to the children.

Children leave OBS ready and equipped to face the next stage in their Art education.


Progression Document for Art FS-Y6


  Mr Hill's old classroom 'the mobile' is going to be our new area for the teaching of art and DT with Mrs Maker. She has been busy getting the room ready and is thinking of a new name for the room. Watch this space for the latest...

   Art exhibition at Djanogly gallery-Lakeside-Summer 2023

 Well done to all of the children who contributed work towards our exhibition at Djanogly gallery-Lakeside over the summer holidays. Mrs Richards felt very PROUD looking at work from OBS pupils in a real art gallery.


Week 1-January 2023

Art straw pictures


We were lucky enough to have an artist 'Dave' come to OBS and complete a fantastic mural of Nottingham and the surrounding landmarks in our school hall. The art work was created using children's ideas of which places should be included. Lots of children also got to work with Dave in creating the art.


This year Nicola Mills ' Mrs Maker' is teaching art across school from years 1-5. Here are some photographs of the wonderful work that the children have created with Mrs Maker so far.

Year 1-Andy Warhol name badges

Year 3-Stunning Stonehenge Art

Year 4-Iron man art using the primary colours
