Old Basford School

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Eco Council


Meet our new Eco Council for 2024-2025

Litter Picking 

The children did a great job today with litter picking around school. We found lots of sweet wrappers and plastic straw wrappers. Well done Eco for a great session! What super role models you are to the rest of the children in school! 

Visit from Severn Trent Water!
Year 5 had visitors from Severn Trent Water this week. They had an assembly where they learnt about the water cycle and how much water we typically use when we have a bath/ shower or wash our clothes or dishes! They learnt about the importance of saving water and how small changes can make a difference! They then had some time with them in their classrooms to use different tools and techniques to filter dirty water to make it clean again! What great fun they had! Thank you Severn Trent Water for coming into our school to see us! 

Learning about Woodland Animals

We are working towards gaining the Platinum Green Tree's Award. Today we have been looking at animals that live in our woodlands. The children matched animals on the carpet and spoke about what they already knew about them. They then chose their favourite animals and researched what they like to eat, what they look like and when they are most active and filled out an information sheet for their animals. Great work Eco!

Litter Picking 24.1.24

What a great job the children have done with collecting rubbish from the school grounds! Well done Eco Council! 

Bird Feeders!

Eco Council have enjoyed making bird feeders using pine cones as an alternative to plastic yoghurt pots. As the weather has been very cold we are sure they will be a tasty treat for the birds! 


Litter Picking! 

The children have been amazing at tidying up our school today. 

Max said "I am really proud of us today as we have actually made a difference."

You certainly did! Well done Eco Council! 


Sir David Attenborough’s inspirational message about the urgent need to address climate change has been set to music.

Click the link below to hear the very important message:


Litter Picking!

Eco Council have been out in full force this week litter picking! We collected almost a full bin bag of rubbish! Did you know most of this rubbish was plastic which will never fully decompose! This means that unless it is picked up it will stay in our environment forever! Remember it is all of our responsibilities to keep not only our school but everywhere tidy.

Bin it don't drop it! 



Are you passionate about our world? Do you want to make sure Old Basford is doing its part to look after our local wildlife? Does it upset you to see rubbish being dropped on the floor? Do you want to help make a difference to our school and community and help educate your friends and family on how we can ALL be more eco friendly?

Then Eco Council is the place for you!


During September our classes will vote for our new OBS ECO Representative throughout school for 2023-2024! Could it be you?


Let your new class teacher know if you want to join Eco Council this year! 

Recycle your pens here!

We are now collecting pens to take to be recycled to help reduce the amount of plastic waste we produce as a school. We accept any kind of pens, felt tips, highlighters, biros...  If you have any old pens at home that no longer work please bring them into school to be recycled. Eco Council have set up recycling points in each classroom so that no pens get missed!

Thank you!



Eco Council 2022-2023

Nature walk!


We went on a nature walk around school and collected items that interested us and stuck them on our sicky sheets. The children were great at identifying leaves, smelling the flowers and finding creepy crawlies. 

Leaf sorting!

We are working towards achieving our Green Tree Platinum award. We have been looking at leaves and using the key to identify them. 

Spring has arrived! 

We would like to say a big thank you to Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust who have very kindly donated some wildlife boxes to school. We have put up some nesting boxes for Robins, Blue tits and other species to explore and hopefully use during the nesting season.  

Year 4 outdoor learning! 

Year 4 have been learning all about Vikings. They collected natural resources outside and made their own Viking weapons and shields. 

Bird Feeders!

Eco Council have had great fun making their own bird feeders today. We mixed lard and bird seed together to make the feed. We then tied string around the pine cones and filled the gaps in the pine cones with the bird feed. It was very messy work! We had great fun hanging them on the branches outside. Hopefully the birds will enjoy a delicious feast later!


Year 5 wind turbines!

Year 5 have designed and made their own wind turbines which they enjoyed testing outside on during their WOW day. Great work Year 5! 

Christmas Tree decorations!

Well done to the children who made their own Christmas tree decoration! Great work! They look fab on our Christmas tree! 

Outdoor learning! 


Class 7 have been doing some orienteering around school to find facts out about earthquakes from around the world. It looks like you had great fun taking your learning outside! 

Litter Picking!
During our Eco Council meeting the children were keen to get outside and do some litter picking. We noticed lots of sweet wrappers on the floor which are often dropped during home time as well as lots of plastic! We managed to half fill a bin bag! 

Great work Eco Council! 

Hedgehog feeding station 

Today Eco Council explored the school grounds to find a space to put our new hedgehog feeding station. We found a nice place tucked away in the hedges near the pond and bushes. We put some dried cat biscuits inside. We will take a look in a few days to see if we have had any visitors! 

Watch this space! 
