JIGSAW- The Mindful Approach to PSHE
We love Jigsaw here at Old Basford School! This Personal, Social and Health Education programme helps us to deliver emotional literacy, social skills, mindfulness and spiritual development in a cohesive, comprehensive and creative way. Each class from Foundation 1 to Year 6 has a weekly lesson that promotes these very important aspects of learning. The lessons are supported by video clips, powerpoint presentations, music and discussions as well as a class mascot!Per
sonal, Social and Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development
The whole school follows the same theme every half term pitched at the appropriate level. The themes are:-
Being Me in My World
Celebrating Difference
Dreams and Goals
Healthy Me
Changing Me
Autumn Term 2022
Floor Books
This year as part of our PSHE learning each class has been given a floor book to record their learning and so far there has been great work going on in PSHE!