Old Basford School

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PSHE at Old Basford

Aims and ambitions

The aim of the PSHE curriculum at OBS is to provide our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need to reach their potential as individuals and within the community. Our children are educated to have a strong sense of belonging and community through a clearly planned out curriculum (Jigsaw) that equips them with the skills to successfully manage their lives now and in their future. Learning is accessible to all and is adapted to meet the needs of the children. Our PSHE curriculum promotes mental wellbeing and inclusivity at the heart of its philosophy. Teaching of PSHE engages pupils in discussions, dialogues, role-play and debate, which enables them to make their own conclusions and be confident to share their viewpoint with others clearly. Our curriculum empowers our children to be confident, resilient and independent with a positive sense of identity, showing value in themselves and others. PSHE at Old Basford makes a key contribution to enabling pupils to consider British Values, appreciating, respecting and celebrating our common humanity, diversity and differences.

Sequence and Progression

OBS recognises the value of the Early Learning Goals of: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Self-regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships and therefore has committed to building on these key foundations by teaching PSHE through a structured and coherent curriculum throughout the school.


Jigsaw PSHE is designed as a progressive whole school approach, with all year groups, starting from Nursery to Year 6, working on the same theme (puzzle) at the same time at their own level. There are six themes- Being me in my world, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing me- that are revisited every year. All lessons are delivered in an age and stage appropriate way to ensure they meet children’s needs. Each Puzzle starts with an introductory assembly, generating a whole school focus for the whole school community. 


Although the Jigsaw programme includes RSE, we have adapted the use of the scheme to suit the context/cultural capital of our school by using the Christopher Winter Project for RSE, supplementing learning with The Great Project, D.A.R.E etc.


We have plotted the knowledge and skills from the Jigsaw programme and Christopher Winter project into the OBS Curriculum map, ensuring progression and sequence of learning. The reoccurrence of the six main themes ensures that key learning is revisited and consolidated. PSHE floor books follow the children through their school years at Old Basford to allow them to revisit previous learning and experiences.

Children leave us confident and ready to begin the secondary phase in their education.

OBS PSHE Progression Map FS- Y6
