Old Basford School

Opportunities Bring Success

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Aims and ambitions

At OBS, children receive a design and technology curriculum that allows them to use their creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real-life and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. We educate our pupils through a broad range of DT knowledge that draws on other subjects such as Maths, science and art with a clearly planned out curriculum that equips them with the skills to design and make high-quality products for a wide range of users. Learning is accessible to all and is adapted to meet the needs of the children. Teaching of DT engages pupils in discussions, making decisions and problem solving. Our children are taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. They feel empowered to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens

Sequence and Progression

In EYFS, we teach DT through the Early Learning Goals of: Expressive Arts and Design (Creating with materials) and Physical Development (Fine Motor Skills).

We then follow the National Curriculum in Years 1 to Year 6. We have adapted the NC in to the Old Basford Curriculum Progression map and aligned this with the OBS creative topic based approach to learning. The projects are age appropriate and progressive from KS1 to KS2, the four main subject specific threads that bind the DT curriculum together are: design, make and evaluate and technical knowledge. At the beginning of each lesson, key concepts and subject specific vocabulary are revisited and built upon. At the beginning of each project, the learning objective of ‘something, somebody, some purpose and skill’ is made explicit to the children.

In Cooking and Nutrition, the children learn about the importance of a healthy and varied diet, where food comes from and how to prepare simple dishes. These principles progress into KS2 where children prepare and cook a variety of hot meals and snacks and learn about the seasonality of food.

Children leave OBS ready and equipped to face the next stage in their DT education


Year 2 DT Club-Autumn term 2025

In Autumn term 2 some lucky Year 2 children joined Mrs Richard's DT club and completed 3 sessions. There were 3 different challenges for each session.

Session 1-Bridge building challenge

Session 2- Tallest Tower challenge

Session 3-Protect the egg-challenge

The children had great fun and were able to work in small groups to design, make and improve their challenges.

The club was such a success that Mrs Richards is hoping to offer the club to KS2 children in the Spring and Summer terms.


Mr Hill's old classroom 'the mobile' is going to be our new area for the teaching of art and DT with Mrs Maker. She has been busy getting the room ready and is thinking of a new name for the room. Watch this space for the latest...

DT in Year 5

Year 5 have been designing and making their own spinning fair ground rides with Mrs Maker. They are using a range of tools and equipment to make their rides spin!

