Foundation 2
Welcome to Foundation 2
We are really looking forward to beginning the new academic year with you all and are very excited about the learning journey we are going to take over the next year. We have wonderful topics for you all to learn about as well as encouraging you all to develop yourselves as creative, confident and curious learners!
Meet the Team for

Key Information
PE Uniform days:
Thursday- Indoor or Outdoor P.E (dependent on time of the year and weather)
Come wearing your OBS PE kit.
Reading Diary Check Day:
Monday – Diary checks will be done on a Monday covering home reads from the previous Monday to Sunday.
Reading for Pleasure Library Books:
Friday – Reading for Pleasure books will be changed every Friday on a weekly basis.
Please ensure your child reads at least 5 times a week to an adult. Please record ALL READING in their diaries. Parents will be contacted by the class teacher and then by Phase Leaders if diaries do not demonstrate weekly reads have been completed.
School Dinner Menu
OBS Maths- Key Instant Recall Facts
Summer 2
Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser Changes
Key Dates
- Monday 3rd June- Back to School
- Wednesday 12th June- Inset Day
- Thursday 13th June- Class Photos
- Friday 21st June- F2 1.30pm-3.00pm Sports Day
- Wednesday 3rd July- Meet the Teacher Day
- Thursday 3th July- Summer Fair 3.30pm-5pm
- Thursday 11th July - Library Visit
- Monday 15th (Chestnuts) & 17th July (Oaks)- Trip to Bulwell Forest Garden
- Tuesday 23rd July- F2 Achievement Assembly 2.45pm
- Thursday 25th July- Last Day of Term
The penultimate week in F2!
Oaks and Chestnuts have had a lovely final full week in F2. We have spent the week consolidating our phonics and maths work.
Then the children were super excited for our class trips to Bulwell Forest Garden. Chestnuts went on Monday and Oaks went on Wednesday. They walked beautifully down to the tram stop, got on the tram and then walked to the garden. All the children held their partners hands and looked out for traffic- it was very mature! When the children arrived at the garden they rotated around three lovely activities, den building, a mini-beast hunt and bird feeder making. The children listened to their grown ups well and had a great time exploring the garden. They even finished off by roasting marshmallows on the campfire.
It was a great trip, enjoyed by al the children.
Library Visit
On Thursday, we had a lovely trip to Basford library. Oaks and Chestnuts did some beautiful walking to get to the library. Once we were there, the children sat and listened to the librarian tell us a story all about books. Then children had the opportunity to explore the library and pick a book that they would like to bring back to school. The children had great fun picking and scanning their book out at the reception.
Releasing our butterflies!
As part of our 'Changes' topic this half-term, Oaks and Chestnuts have had caterpillars in the classroom which we have carefully watched grown and become butterflies. We investigated each stage of the caterpillar lifecycle and observed the caterpillar grow and change.
On Thursday, when all our caterpillars had come out of their cocoon we released them. The children had great fun getting close to the butterflies and even holding them on their hands!
Weekly Learning Week 6 W/B 8th July
Weekly Learning Week 5 W/B 1st July
Week 5 W/B 1st July
A Very Busy Week!
This week we have had lots of things happening as well as the learning we did in the classrooms. We had move up day on Wednesday, Summer Fair on Thursday and Staff VS Pupils football match on Friday. The children have done a great job managing their emotions with all these different events going on and big changes to routines.
Move up day went very well, the children found out who their new class teachers were and who was in their new class too!
For topic this week be practised our drawing skills and drew a butterfly with help with a draw-a-long. The children all created beautiful butterflies working hard to make them symmetrical.
We have also continued learning the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the children have acted it out this week, playing all the roles from the moon to the butterfly. We all have great fun taking part and performing. It allowed the children to explore the story and think about how the caterpillar changes as he eats more and more!
Week 5 Butterfly drawing and The Very Hungry Caterpillar role play
Weekly Learning Week 4 W/B 24th June
Week 4 W/B 24th June
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
For Talk4Writing this term we are learning the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and this week we put the caterpillar in the HOT SEAT! We asked the Caterpillar lots of questions such as ' Why were you hungry?' What is it like in the cocoon?' 'What is it like to be a caterpillar?' and 'Where did you find all the food?'
The children did a great job answering the questions and using their creatively to explore the story.
Week 4 In the Hot Seat

Week 3 Weekly Learning W/B 17th June
Week 3 W/B 17th June
Sports Day 2024!
On Friday the children had a great time participating in Sports Day. The sun was shining and everyone was excited to take part in a race. All the children tried their best and had lots of fun. It was great to see all the children trying new events that tested their resilience and doing their best. We are all very proud of all the children that took part.
Also a BIG thank you to all the parents that took part in a race and the little ones too!
And finally a big well done to Miss Marrow who organised KS2 and F2& KS1 Sports Day she did a great job.
Sports Day 2024
Week 2 Weekly Learning W/B 10th June
Weekly Learning W/B 3rd June Week 1
Week 1 W/B 3rd June
Shakespeare Week
This week we have been learning all about William Shakespeare and his play 'Romeo and Juliet'. We have done lots of role play about friends and enemies, learnt the opening lines to the play, written a party invitation and eaten some Italian food while watching 'Gnomeo and Juliet'. The children have done an excellent job this week and we have all enjoyed learning about the Bard!
Romeo and Juliet Role Play
Summer 1
Key Dates for this half-term:
- Monday 15th April- Back to school
- Tuesday 23rd April- Phonics Stay and Play 9am-10am
- Monday 6th May- Bank Holiday: School Closed
- Thursday 16th May- Parent Story session 3pm
- Friday 17th May- Pyjamarama Reading Day
- Friday 24th May- Whole School Diversity Day- Parent invited 2.15pm
- Friday 24th May- Last Day of Term
Knowledge Organiser Summer 1 Traditional Tales Town
Weekly Learning Week 6 W/B 20th May
Week 6 W/B 20th May
Cultural Diversity Celebration
This week we were thinking about cultural diversity building up to our celebration day on Friday. In topic we listened to two traditional tales from around the world- one from India and one from West Africa. We thought about the similarities and differences between them and the two stories we have learnt this term The Three Little Pigs and The Gingerbread Man. We then picked our favourite and discussed our reasons.
During Jigsaw we learnt what diversity is and how it is important to learn from each other and respect each other. We though about things that make us special and unique.
On Friday we made a cultural diversity blanket covered in pictures by everyone in the class celebrating who they are. Some children wanted to draw flags from countries they and their families are from, others drew things that they love. Once the blanket was out together it made a lovely patchwork quilt!
It was also great to see all the children wearing clothes that represent their culture and who they are. The children looked amazing and the confidence the clothes gave them shone through.
Week 6 Cultural Diversity Day

Weekly Learning Week 5 W/B 13th May
Week 5 W/B 13th May
Week 5- Baking and books!
This week we made gingerbread in class. We took turns to add the ingredients and watched carefully and noticed as the ingredients were mixed together they changed colour and texture!
We then rolled out the dough, cut out the Gingerbread people and hoped they would not run away! Luckily they didn't, and we enjoyed a delicious biscuit at the end of the day.
On Friday it was Pyjamarama Day and we celebrated our love of books. All of us wore out pyjarmas to school and brought in our favourite book to share with our friends.
At the end of the day our family had the chance to come in a read with us before going home.
Week 5 W/B 13th May

Weekly Learning Week 4 W/B 6th May
Week 4
This week we launched our new T4W story which is The Gingerbread Man. On Tuesday, the children found a mysterious letter from somebody asking for help to cross a river to escape animals chasing them. The children worked together to figure out that the letter may have been from the Gingerbread man. The children then talked about whether they would help the gingerbread man or not and why!
To finish off the launching of our new story we watched the Cbeebies production of the The Gingerbread man with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The children also had a gingerbread man to eat during this.
Overall, the children are VERY excited about our new story.
Weekly Learning W/B 29th April Week 3
Week 3 W/B 29th May
Experimenting with Materials
For our topic this week we were investigating different materials and thinking whether they would make a good house, just like in out story The Three Little Pigs!
We enjoyed predicting whether they would float or sink. The children were great at describing the materials and we learnt some new words to describe them.
It was also great to see the children keen to build their own structures outside during choosing time and use lots of different resources from the garden to make them.
Week 3 W/B 29th May Experimenting with Materials

Weekly Learning W/B 22nd April
Summer 1 Week 2
Wow! What a busy second week that we have had in F2! On Tuesday, we had a Phonics stay and play, where parents were invited into the classrooms to observe a segmenting lesson and then play with their child afterwards. It was spectacularly attended with over 30 parents/ carers attending. The children loved showing their grown ups the progression in writing during the session.
Then on Wednesday, the children were lucky enough to join year 1 and 2 for a special story time in the hall led by a local councillor! The councillor launched the big read challenge at the local and city library which children could take part in to earn prizes.
Back in the classroom, we have been working hard in Talk4Writing to interrogate the story and consider 'what if?' questions for the Three Little Pigs; what if the three little pigs all built there house of bricks? It was fantastic hearing the children's imagination and creativity run wild with some super answers.
Weekly Learning Week 1 W/B 15th April
Summer 1- Week 1
Welcome back to F2 for our final term together!
It was lovely to see all the children back at school happy and healthy on Monday. The staff heard all about the exciting things that you got up to over half term, there were lots of conversations about the Easter bunny visiting and celebrating Eid which was great- thank you for the lovely pictures sent in on Tapestry.
The children were shocked on Monday when they came into the classroom to find our home corner blown down by the Big Bad Wolf! The children had a fantastic about why the big bad wolf might have done this and where the Three Little Pigs fitted into all of the drama. This launched our new topic of Traditional Tale Town brilliantly, with all children immediately hooked into our new learning!
W/B 15th April First Week Back

Spring Term 2
Key Dates for this half-term:
- Tuesday 20th February- Back to school.
- Thursday 22nd February- National Height and Weight Checks
- Thursday 7th March- World Book Day
- Friday 15th March- Comic Relief
- Tuesday 26th March- Pupil Progress Meetings (formally known as parents evening) 4.00pm-7.00pm
- Wednesday 27th March- Pupil Progress Meetings (formally known as parents evening) 4.00pm-7.00pm
- Thursday 28th March- F2 Achievement Assembly followed by Easter Parade 9.00am
- Thursday 28th March- Last Day of Term
Spring 2- Final Week
What a fantastic half term we have had in Oaks and Chestnuts, we've explored our animals topic, took part in Comic relief, World Book Day and finished the term with a lovely Easter bonnet parade.
The children have done us so proud this half term, growing academically and socially. We hope that you have a lovely break. We can not wait to see how your children flourish with us in their last term of foundation.
W/B 25th March Week 6 Weekly Learning
Week 5 W/B 18th March
Jungle Dance
This week we have continued our work on our jungle animal dance. This term we have been learning two new animal dance moves and this week it came together as a dance! The children had to carefully consider whether they stood in the space, how they were going to move and what it would look like. They also had to come together in small groups to take the form of different animals. The children had to you their co-operation skills and communication skills to quickly get into groups to create the form of an animal.
W/B 18th March Week 5 Animal Dance
Weekly Learning W/B 18th March Week 5
Comic Relief 2024
The children had a fantastic time taking part in all the lovely activities to raise money for Comic Relief. The children kicked off the day be joining in with the 'Design a red nose' competition. Well done to our two winners who both won an Easter Egg for their efforts, we particularly liked the reindeer inspired red nose design.
We then took part in the fun run around the field. Oaks and Chestnuts were encouraged to run at least 4 laps... Well most of the children completed LOTS more laps than this. It was brilliant to see the children challenging themselves and doing something activity for comic relief.
Back in the classroom the children had the opportunity to have their face painted by Miss Singh, we had lots of red noses as well as some rainbows, penguins and love hearts. The children looked brilliant. The face paint combined with their red outfits were brilliant.
Weekly Learning W/B 11th March Week 4
World Book Day 2024
Oaks and Chestnuts celebrated World Book Day with a variety of fabulous activities. World Book Day has been a great opportunity to promote a love of reading and foster positive attitudes towards reading. F2 did the following...
-Parents and children were invited into the hall before school for the 'book and biscuit' event where children and their grown ups shared a special moment reading before school.
-Children attended the special world book day reading assembly in the morning.
-We listened to Cbeebies bedtime stories.
-F2s met with their year 5 amigos to discuss their favourite book and share a story (this was great fun!)
-Children did a guided drawing of one of their favourite book characters- SUPERTATO and Banana of course!
-We finished off the day by listening to the stories brought in by the children and eating popcorn.
-All children left school with their WBD Book Voucher for a free book or £1 off.
Weekly Learning Week 3
Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser Animals Around the World
Week 2 W/B 26th February
On an Expedition!
This week we explored the garden for endangered animals. We followed a map and looks high and low for animals in different habitats. It was tricky because they were hard to find because they are endangered! We learnt that endangered animals are animals where there are not many left in the wild. We found some animals which were familiar and some animals who were usual. Lots of the children were keen to draw their own maps of the garden, explored our class map and asked lots of questions about animals around the world and their habitats.
Week 2 Endangered Animals

Weekly Learning Week 2
Spring 2- Week 1
What a lovely start back to Spring 2. The children settled in beautifully. We kicked off the week with the mysterious disappearance of Granny to launch our new T4W story Little Red Riding Hood. The children interviewed the Wolf, wood cutter and little red riding hood to try and infer what had happened to granny. The children then began searching for granny around school and looking for cues. They had a great time!
The children have also had plenty of opportunities to deliver their 'weekend news' to the rest of the class. Children sent in images on Tapestry of what they had been up to over the half-term and shared these with their class mates. There were some lovely descriptions and clear speaking. Well done children.
Welcome to OBS Vets!
This half-term, our learning focuses on Animals around the world. In response to this, and listening to the children's thoughts about what role play opportunities they would like to see, we have transformed the OBS Cafe into OBS Vets!
The children have been getting stuck into the vets; dressing up, learning new vocabulary such as stethoscope and thermometer and acting out different scenarios. It was a delight to see the children's enthusiasm for this new learning opportunity.
Role play is a key way for children at this age to learn. They develop their vocabulary, have an opportunity to act out real life scenarios, build social skills and have an opportunity to write for a purpose and in the moment.
Spring Term 1
Week 6 W/B 5th February
End of Half Term!
This half term has flown by because we have been so busy learning lots of new things.
The children settled in quickly after our Christmas break and were keen to take part in all the of learning we had planned. The children have continued to make great progress in their phonics work and we are all really pleased with the way they love to play with the phonics resources during choosing and apply their phonics in their writing.
We have also continued to work hard in maths, expanding our understanding of the numbers 6,7,8 and we had a lovely stay and play with our families where we could show off everything we know!
Our topic has been very popular this term with the children absorbing lots of space facts and applying them during choosing time in their play and creative work.
We hope the children get a well earned rest next week and come back with lots of enthusiasm for next half terms learning.
Spring 1 in F2
Weekly Learning W/B 5th February
Week 5 W/B 29th January
Week 5-Aliens have Invaded!
This week for our topic we have been considering whether aliens really do exist and if they do where they live. Throughout the week we have drawn aliens, built aliens and described aliens and had lots of fun exploring different words to describe them.
The children have also learnt a space poem this week and done a great job reciting the poem and adding their own ideas.
In addition to topic work, in maths we have been thinking about different ways we measure things and how to describe length. We went on a walk around school looking for things that were short and long. We also made ourselves as long as we could in P.E to try and achieve the perfect log roll. A very busy week!
Zim Zam Zoom

Week 5 W/B 29th January Zim Zam Zoom

Week 5 W/B 29th January

Weekly Learning W/B 29th January
Week 4 W/B 22nd January
Blast off!
As part of topic this week we learnt all about space travel. We learnt when humans first went into space, different things which have been sent into space and all about Tim Peake and the International Space Station. We then went outside and launched our own rocket we didn't quite get it into space but it was lots of fun. We noticed the harder we pressed on the pedal the higher the rocket went!
Week 4 W/B 22nd January

Maths Stay and Play Workshop
Wow! What a fantastic turn out for our Maths stay and play this morning. It was great to see so many parents, grandparents and carers attend to show an interest in your children's learning and see how we run number work sessions at school. The children behaved beautifully and showcased their impressive maths knowledge and counting. They also relished the opportunity to show their grown ups around their classroom and the toys that they play with. The worst part was saying goodbye to their grown ups!
As we mentioned in the sessions the most important things to remember when doing number work at home with your children is to keep it fun and purposeful for them.
We look forward to welcoming you into our classrooms again soon for the Parent Story session on Thursday 8th February.
Weekly Learning Week 4 W/B 22nd January
Week 3 W/B 15th January Planet Paper Mache

Week 3 W/B 15th January
Exploring the Solar System
This week we have been learning all about our solar system! We learnt a song about all the planets and acted out being the planets orbiting the sun. We also have worked collaboratively to create paper mache models of the sun, earth and moon. It was great to hear the children communicate the instructions to each other, discuss where needed more paper and taking turns to add the glue. We are really happy with the result and hope they inspire more planetary artwork.
Weekly Learning W/B 15th January Week 3
Week 2 W/B 8th January
W/B 8th January Week 2
Week 2- Lots to do!
This week we have been straight back into out learning and the staff have been impressed with their positive attitude to learning. We have started new sounds in phonics, read a new Talk4Writng story and began learning all about the number 6. On top of all that, the children attended a dance session with Miss Tahlia. All of the children showed great listening skills and had some pretty good dance moves!
Weekly Learning Week 2 W/B 8th January
Happy New Year and welcome back!
We hope that you all had a lovely break and enjoyed the time with your family and friends.
It has been lovely welcoming the children back to school for this short first week back. The children have settled back into school and remembered our PROUD rules and important routines- this has been great!
Before half term, the children had a vote for what they would like the Christmas Post Office role play to be turned into. The children unanimously decided that they wanted it to turn into a cafe. Over Christmas, the team worked to turn Blossom room into a cafe. Over the past couple of days the children have really enjoyed being chefs, waitresses and waiters and exploring some of the opportunities within the cafe.
We look forwards to seeing how the children develop their play and language through the opportunities in the cafe role play area.
Knowledge Organiser Spring 1 Space
Week 6 W/B 11th December Christmas Decorations

Week 6 W/B 11th December
Final Full Week of Term!
This week we have been learning all about different types of decorations for different celebrations, practising for our PROUD assembly and taking part in festive activities.
The children did a great job during our PROUD assembly singing some songs from our Christmas show and choosing to also sing jingle bells for the parents. Mrs Duffin did the honors of presenting each child with a certificate which celebrated their achievements this half term.
It feels like we have learn so much this term and also learnt and performed a Christmas show! Thank you for all the support we have received from friends and family this term, you have all helped support your children in the big transition to school.
Weekly Learning Week 5 W/B 11.12.23
Week 4 W/B 4.12.23 The Nativity
Week 5 W/B 4th December
Show Time!
This week it was the children's chance to finally perform for an audience and they did not disappoint. They performed three times, first for school, then two times for friends and family! All the staff were so PROUD of the children and the effort they put in.
Weekly Learning Week 5 W/B 4.12.23
Week 4
Another super busy week in Oaks and Chestnuts! We have been getting on with our Nativity rehearsals- the children are hard at work learning their lines and practicing their songs.
Our theme this week has been Winter! We hunted for Winter objects that we would take on a winter walk, described a winter picture in Whole Class Write, we collaged blue strips of paper to make snowflakes, practiced our cutting and sticking skills by completing a winter picture sequence and improved our pencil control doing dot to dot snowflakes.
We are so PROUD of the way the children are gaining independence in completing the learning challenges that are being left out for them to complete. They are PROUD to see their work pegged up under their name.
Weekly Learning W/B 27th November
Week 3 W/B 20th November
Week 3
This week has flown by and we have been busy exploring all weekly learning throughout the unit.
In maths our focus has been the number four and rectangles and the children have shared some wonderful examples when they have been out and about at home. We have also been finding rectangles in the classroom and we noticed that rectangles are everywhere!
We have also been busy innovating our Talk4Writing story The Acorn and the children have had some great ideas. We have changed the acorn to a blueberry and had camels, foxes and even spiders trying to eat it!
Finally, we have been busy getting ready for our Christmas Nativity. The children have been learning the songs and their lines ready for the big performance.
Weekly Learning- WB 20th November
Children In Need 2023-
The children dressed up in either something yellow or spotty. We donated cakes and had a mini cake sale. It was lovely to see the children getting in the Pudsey spirit!
Parent Story Session-
On Tuesday, we welcome the parents into our classrooms for a special story time. The children shared their reading for pleasure books with their parents and then listened to a story all together, read by their class teacher. It was lovely to see so many parents attend and act as positive reading role models for our children. We heard some great inferences about what the parents and children thought was happening in the story and what the illustrations meant. The F2 Team look forward to welcoming you into our classrooms again soon!
Weekly Learning W/B 13th November
Week Beginning 6th November
Autumn 2: Our First Week Back!
It has been a very busy first week back at school for all the children.
We have launched into our new topic Seasons and Celebrations and learnt about Diwali. We have been creating Rangoli and henna patterns using cotton buds to paint with. For our WOW day the children tasted some samosas and onion bhaji's while listening to the story of Diwali. They also got to wear some scarves and bangles and Miss Singh wore her special dress which was very sparkly. We all agreed it was a perfect dress for a celebration.
We also met our Amigos this week! It was very exciting as we all went to the hall, were partnered with our Amigo and we made up a special hand shake! All the teachers were really impressed with how the children interacted and shared their ideas for the handshake. They were all different and very creative.
Well done to all the children for coming back and settling into our school routine straight away, Miss Singh, Miss Marrow, Miss Brown and Miss Squires are all very impressed.
Weekly Learning 6th November
Knowledge Organiser Seasons and Celebrations
Autumn Term 1
Key Dates for this half-term:
- Tuesday 19th September- Early Maths Parent Workshop 2.30-3.15
- Tuesday 26th September- Early Reading Parent Workshop 2.30-3.15
- Friday 29th September- INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
- Tuesday 3rd October- Parents Evening
- Thursday 5th October- Parents Evening
- Thursday 19th October- Phonics Stay and Play 9.00am-10.00am
Phonics Stay and Play Session-
A big thank you to the parents and carers who attended the phonics stay and play workshop this morning. We hope that you found it useful to watch a blending lesson and see the environment that your children are learning in. Later on in the year we will be running another phonics stay and play session where you will be able to watch a segmenting session.
Weekly Learning- W/B 9.10.2023
Weekly Learning W/B 9th October
Week 5 W/B 2nd October
A Visit from the Fire Service!
The children had a big surprise when the fire service came to visit us and tell us all about their role in our community. The children were very excited and enjoyed it when the teachers dressed up in the fire fighters clothes. Miss Singh said it was very hot wearing all the gear!
We also go to see a fire engine, look at the hoses and ladders and we even got to sit inside!
It was a lot of fun and we learned lots of information about staying safe when there is a fire.
Week 5 W/B 2nd October Fire Service Visit
Week 4 W/B 25.9.23
A Visit From Maggie
This week Maggie the Lollipop Lady came in to talk to us about keeping us safe when we cross the road when we come to school. We were all very excited to talk to Maggie and had lots of questions.
We also had an opportunity to try on Maggie's high vis jacket, cap and use the STOP sign. It was lots of fun!
Maggie came to visit as part of our topic- Me and My Community. We are enjoying learning all about our community, the services which help us and talking about places we recognise.
Week 4 W/B 25.9.23
Early Reading Parent Workshop-
A big thank you to the parents and carers who attended the Early Reading Parent Workshop with Miss Marrow and Miss Singh! There were some fantastic points discussed and great conversations had. We have attached the slideshow and a recording of the meeting to the website in case you would like to revisit any of the points discussed. We will also be sending it out on Tapestry.
Here are a few of the helpful links and resources that we discussed-
-Alphablocks- Alphablocks - CBeebies - BBC
-How to pronounce the pure sounds- Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl - YouTube
-Phonics games- phonics games - Topmarks Search
Week 3 W/B 18th September 2023
We have had such a busy week in F2! We have been making great progress in our new topic 'My community and me!'. The children have been looking at local features such as Stockhill fire station and Basford crossings and discussing who we find there to help us! The children have also been getting involved in our new OPAL play lunchtimes by attending the OPAL assemblies and playing with all of the new toys.
Phonics- In phonics this week we have learned the /t/ and /i/ sound. The children have been trying to blend to read words with these sounds in, such as 'sit' and segment to write down words such as 'it' and 'at'.
Number Work- Oaks and Chestnuts have been practicing recognising circles and learning the concept of zero by spotting different representations of zero.
Talk4Writing- During Talk4Writing, the children have been innovating the story of 'We're going on a bear hunt'. In Oak class, the children are now going on a 'cheetah' hunt instead and coming up with some fantastic adjectives to describe a cheetah.
Whole Class Write- The children have been practicing writing the initial sounds for our different senses.
Miss Marrow has been impressed with how the children have been coming into the classroom and choosing in their assigned areas!
Miss Singh has been impressed with how engaged the children have been in number work! Lots of children have sent images in to go in our maths scrapbook of different representations of 0 and circles.
Miss Brown has been impressed this week with the children walking up to the classroom by themselves without parents.
Miss Squires has been impressed this week with how well the children have used our newly opened Blossom room.
Week 3 W/B18th September Outdoor Learning
Early Maths Parent Workshop-
A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who attended he Early Maths Parent Workshop with Miss Marrow and Miss Singh! There was a fantastic turn out which was so lovely to see!
We have attached the slideshow and a recording of the meeting to the website in case you would like to revisit any of the points discussed.
Here are a few of the helpful links and resources that we discussed-
-Numberblocks- Numberblocks - CBeebies - BBC
-Counting songs- Counting songs - BBC Teach
-Online number games- Early Years Maths - Topmarks Search
Week 2 W/B 11th September
WOW! Another great week in F2! The children are really starting to learn our school rules and expectations for coming into the classroom and during carpet time. We have had a full week of learning which included phonics, PE, writing and even JIGSAW (PHSE).
Phonics- In phonics this week we have learned the /s and /a/ sound. We also introduced our phonics jotters where children practice their letter formation an word writing. We were super impressed with the children's first attempts at writing in their new jotters.
Number Work- Oaks and Chestnuts have been practicing their counting up and down a number line to 10.
Talk4Writing- During Talk4Writing, the children have been retelling the story of We're going on a bear hunt orally and with actions.
Whole Class Write- The children have been practicing writing their name using their name cards.
Miss Marrow has been impressed with how the children have begun remembering their 'tidy up teams' and taken responsibility for keeping their area of the classroom Organised and Tidy.
Miss Singh has been impressed how nicely the children have been sitting and joining in phonics.
Miss Brown has been impressed this week with the children have been good friends to each other and made lots of new friends.
Miss Squires has been impressed this week with how sensibly the children have been playing in the water and painting area.
Week 1 W/B 4th September
Wow! What a busy week it has been for all of us in F2 this week. We have all worked together to learn the school PROUD rules, make new friends, meet our new teachers and have lots of fun!
The staff have been impressed with all the children and are already really proud of their progressed, they have all settled in beautifully.
- Miss Singh is very impressed with the way the children have been so sensible at lunch time, they have learnt where to get their dinner from, where to sit and how to independently clear away their tray! All The Play Team have reported that they have done a good job too!
-Miss Squires is really impressed with the way the children have been following our rule 'Choose it, Use it, Tidy it away!' noticing that the children have been thinking carefully about where all the toys go at the end of the session.
-Miss Marrow is impressed by how well the children come in in the morning and sit on the carpet- they have done really well especially in the hot weather!
-Miss Brown is impressed with how well the children follow the PROUD rules already! They are helping each other and thinking carefully about their behaviour.
Well Done Everyone! Let's keep it up!
To launch our book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen the children walked around the garden acting out different parts of the story. Our favourite was definitely the 'splish splosh' part! We then came inside for the Teddy Bear's picnic where we all received a dog teddy, had a biscuit and some juice while listening to the story. It was lots of fun and we really enjoyed giving our new teddy's a big hug!