Old Basford School

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Year 4

Meet the Team


Spring 1 

Tuesday - Indoor PE

Thursday - Outdoor PE

Invaders and Settlers Knowledge Organiser 

Times Tables and KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts)

Used with the kind permission of Twinkl Educational Publishing. © Twinkl Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Find more lovely resources like these at www.twinkl.co.uk

Dates for the Diary

20th January 2025 - Perlethorpe Viking Trip 

4th February, 9am - Parent Workshop - Spellings

16th June 2025- 17th June 2025 - Walesby Forest Residential

Rampaging Romans Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2

Autumn Term PROUD Assembly

Spring 1 Week Beginning 27th January


We have really enjoyed learning to play table tennis during indoor P.E and are becoming more confident with rallies. Next week we will introduce the nets and start proper games. 

Spring 1 Week Beginning 20th January


We had a fantastic day visiting Perlethorpe, learning all about the Vikings! We made Viking Settlements in the woods, visited a Viking Longhouse and took part in some re-enactments!

Spring 1 Week Beginning 13th January


This week we have really enjoyed continuing our guitar lessons and performing as part of an ensemble. 

Spring 1 Week Beginning 6th January


We have enjoyed learning about our new topic on 'Invaders and Settlers' and started the week off with our WOW day! We carefully made Viking longboats following step by step instructions and enjoyed writing our names in Viking Runes. 



   Autumn 2 Week Beginning 16th December

Our final week of 2024 has come to an end! From Miss Booth and Mrs Wright, we would like to say a massive thank you to all of the children in class 9 and 10 for a fantastic Autumn term and we wish you an even better 2025! Have a look at some of our party pictures and activities, where unfortunately the grinch did end up ruining Christmas by stealing all of the presents! (bean bags) but not all was lost, as we still managed to enjoy the rest of the party!

Merry Christmas!

Autumn 2 Week Beginning 9th December

This week in Design Technology we have been exploring Roman architecture and the use of columns in their buildings. On Friday we took part in an experiment to test which column would be the strongest, out of a circular, triangular and square column. Have a look at our photo's to see which column could take the most amount of books! In the afternoon we then started creating our own column designs.

Autumn 2 Week Beginning 2nd December

This week in history we learnt that Roman's created straight roads with paving. We looked closer at how they carefully thought about designing the roads and created our own cross section of a Roman road using biscuits and chocolate! We had 15 minutes to work as a team to create the best cross section. Here are a few of our pictures below ...

Autumn 2 Week Beginning 25th November

This week we used maps and an atlas to identify the countries that had been invaded by the Roman empire. We had to work collaboratively in our teams to try and figure out how the map puzzles fit together, based on the year that they represented.

Autumn 2 Week Beginning 18th November

This week the children have been learning about routers and networks in computing, as well as the differences between websites and webpages. The children were then asked to explore a list of websites and webpages to find out what information they could find on each site.

Autumn 2 Week Beginning 11th November

This week the children have been working on rolls, balances and travelling steps in gymnastics. In small groups they collaborated to create a routine which showcased the various different skills that they had learnt in the previous lesson. 

Autumn 2 Week Beginning 4th November

This week we introduced our new topic 'Rampaging Romans.'

On Thursday we had our WOW day, where we learnt about Roman catapults, Roman shields and laurel wreaths. The children spent the morning creating miniature catapults and laurel wreaths. In the afternoon they researched designs for Roman shields and sketched their favourite design on to a piece of paper. 

Autumn 1 Week Beginning 7th October

This week we wrote a set of instructions on 'How to keep you Iron Creature happy' we used rhetorical questions, time adverbials and expanded noun phrases to improve our instructions. We then shared our instructions with a partner and helped each other edit and improve our writing. 

Autumn 1 Week Beginning 30th September

This week we have been busy learning our times tables! We also had our first parents evening over the Tuesday and Thursday after school, thank you to all of the parents that attended.


As a reminder we have our first parent workshop coming up on Tuesday 15th October at 9 am. This will be based on how to support your child with times tables and will be a chance for parents to get involved in some of our various activities!

Autumn 1 Week Beginning 23rd September

This week we started our guitar lessons! The children were taught how to sit and hold a guitar the correct way and were then introduced to some of the Beatles music where they were asked to play along!

Autumn 1 Week Beginning 16th September

We have started our week off in style with a Silent Disco! The children (and adults) loved it! It was wonderful to see the children happily dancing and singing together.

Autumn 1 Week Beginning 9th September

This week in year 4 we have been exploring their new science topic 'Flashes and Bangs.' The children have learnt how to build a simple circuit using, wires, bulbs and batteries. They used a variety of  creative habits such as being 'persistent' and 'collaborating' in order to work successfully in groups to get the light bulb to light up! 

 Autumn 1 Week Beginning 2nd September

 We have had a wonderful start to the new academic year in class 9 and 10. This week we have been learning about all of the things that 'We can be.' The children thought about what they would like to achieve or become in the future and created their own dream catchers using sticks that they foraged from the school grounds and colourful wool.

Dream Catchers
