School policies cover every aspect of school life at Old Basford School and our policies are available to be read or downloaded from the links below. Alternatively, we are happy to provide you with a free paper copy on request, please ask at the school office.
- OBS Accessibility Plan 2022-2025.pdf
- OBS Anti-bullying Policy 2023.pdf
- OBS Attendance & Punctuality Policy 2024-2025.pdf
- OBS Behaviour Policy 2024.pdf
- OBS Charging & Remission Policy.pdf
- OBS Complaints Policy 2022.pdf
- OBS Debt Recovery Policy Autumn 2024.pdf
- OBS Equality and Diversity Policy 2023.pdf
- OBS Finance Policy Autumn 2023.pdf
- OBS First Aid and Medicine Policy 2024.pdf
- OBS Privacy Notice for school.pdf
- OBS GDPR Subject Access Request Policy 2024.pdf
- OBS GDPR Appendix to Old Basford School Subject Access Request Policy.pdf
- OBS GDPR Data Incidents and Breaches Policy and Procedure - 2024.pdf
- OBS GDPR Acceptable Use Policy 2024.pdf
- OBS GDPR School Data Protection Policy.pdf
- OBS GDPR FOI Policy 2024.pdf
- OBS GDPR Email Policy 2024.pdf
- OBS Health Safety Welfare Policy 2024.pdf
- OBS Information filtering and monitoring policy 2023.pdf
- OBS Intimate Care Policy 2023-2024.pdf
- OBS Low-level Concern policy 2023.pdf
- Old Basford OPAL Play Policy 2023.pdf
- OBS School Uniform Policy 2023.pdf
- OBS Safeguarding Policy 2023-2024.pdf
- OBS Social Media Policy 2022
- OBS Visitors Policy Sept 23.pdf
- OBS Whistleblowing Policy 2024.pdf
Please see the link below for the policies and guidance about Relationship and Sex Education at Old Basford School.
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