The delivery of our foundation subjects is implemented through a thematic-based approach and links are made when possible and appropriate across the different curriculum disciplines. Each year group uses the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework or the National Curriculum to make connections between carefully selected knowledge and skills objectives to create a meaningful and purposeful programme of study for each half term. The drivers for our topics are primarily science, history or geography based. Our literacy work (drama, writing and shared reading) is also carefully planned to make links to these topics (when appropriate).
We endeavour to be as creative as possible and begin our topics with a ‘wow’ launch day, which creates an air of curiosity and eagerness to learn. Within the half term, we plan trips out or invite visitors to come to school to further enrich the topic. We also plan for opportunities for parental or community involvement within each topic, which also elevates the purpose, improves engagement and adds an air of excitement. Finally, we like to complete the work with a celebration, a dress up day, a gallery or exhibition of the term's achievements. We love the atmosphere and the ‘buzz’ that is generated during these days.
The lesson structure of the foundation subjects follows a similar format:-
- Revisit – questions relating to the previous lesson/ previous topic/ previous year.
- Objective- the knowledge, skills and creative characteristics of the lesson are shared.
- ‘Anchor task’- a discussion-based activity using a photo/ artefact/ video/ music/ concept cartoon/ statement for debate/ etc as a stimulus.
- Teach- knowledge or skill delivered with a clear lesson objective.
- Practise- through teacher modelling or through independent, paired or group investigation.
- Apply- Differentiated activity with recording (written, pictorial, photograph, video, etc) when appropriate.
- Review- What have we learned? What went well? How can we improve? Which creative habits of learning did we use?
Click on the link below to see our curriculum for 2023-2024. You will see an yearly overview for Early Years and another for Years 1-6. Below that there are buttons that link to the different subject areas taught at school, showing displays of work, events that have happened and the subject progression map.