What does your child learn at school each day?
Find information about our curriculum subjects here.
The Curriculum at Old Basford School
This statement sets out the curriculum entitlement of all children at Old Basford School and explains how we organise the curriculum to ensure that it is fully inclusive for all children whilst sparking their interest, deepening their knowledge and developing their curiosity.
At Old Basford School, we pride ourselves on our ‘core values’, which allow us all (staff and children) to consider the way we are treated and how we treat others at school, in the community and beyond.
This philosophy is embedded in our 'PROUD' rules.
P- polite and helpful
R- respect
O- organised and tidy
U- understanding others' needs
D- do your best
Ultimately, we aim to inspire our children to be curious, question, understand and explain the world around them and for them to become resilient risk-takers and problem-solvers. We believe that the Old Basford 'whole curriculum' has a positive impact on all of our children, in their academic, cultural, moral and emotional success that will be long lasting beyond their time at primary school.
Most importantly, Old Basford children are happy children!
Opportunities Bring Success!
We have developed a 'Mission Possible' checklist for each of our children challenging them to complete all of the opportunities that we provide for them. Their checklist follows them throughout school which we hope they fully complete by the July of their final year with us. Please see below for the 'Mission Possible' checklist.
For any further information about the curriculum at Old Basford School, please contact Mrs Thomas (Assistant Headteacher) at