PE and Sport Premium
Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Here at Old Basford School we believe it is of the highest importance to both model and promote emotional wellbeing, physical activity, having a healthy lifestyle. We pride ourselves on our vast array of numerous sporting achievements, opportunities and the reputation we have for being pro sport.
The school has an extensive range of both lunchtime and after school clubs available for all pupils, many of which then allow a large number of our pupils to participate in City, Regional and some National competitions, to which the school has a history of being highly successful in. We enter all Nottingham City Sports Festivals which offer a range of sporting events at a variety of levels. We strive to ensure all pupils have the opportunity represent the school and wear the OBS kit with pride.
On a weekly basis, we offer a range of free lunchtime and afterschool sporting clubs. These are lead by our teachers and specialist coaches to offer a good variety.
In addition to this we have a dance specialist and a sports coach who are employed by the school on a weekly basis to help facilitate high quality teaching and provision within all year groups.
In July 2023, we were delighted to receive GOLD School Games Mark Award for excellence in our commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport for the second year running.
We hold staff vs pupils matches (one at the end of each term in Autumn and Spring and then 2 during Summer) in football, basketball, rounders and cricket - the entire school comes along to support and cheer on their favourite team! These events are always extremely popular.
Swimming 2022 2023 | |
The percentage of our current Year 6 cohort who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? | 76% |
The percentage of our current Year 6 cohort who can use a range of strokes effectively (e.g. front craw, backstroke and breaststroke) | 69% |
The percentage of our current Year 6 cohort who are able to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? | 100% |