As parents and carers, you may often wonder what governors do on a day-to-day basis. We have put together a selection of some of the most common questions we have been asked about our role. We hope it will give you a broad outline of our working methods and responsibilities……
What do Governors do?
The Governing Body of Old Basford School has the clear, long-term aim of maintaining the school as outstanding. In general terms, a governing body is there to help the school provide the best possible education for your children by:
- Working with the school to help ensure that its vision, values, and long-term direction are appropriately defined and applied effectively, so that children, parents and carers, staff and the wider community are clear on where we are going and what we are trying to achieve.
- Monitoring and evaluating progress made towards agreed priorities and targets.
- Supporting the Head teacher and staff as well as challenging their expectations.
- Accounting to all interested parties or stakeholders for the decisions made in trying to achieve the above.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
What are the responsibilities of Governors?
Governors “govern” the school and are not responsible for the day-to-day management issues.
All governors are appointed or elected not as delegates but as individuals to provide a view that is representative of a parent’s, community’s or member of staff’s perspective.
A Governor’s role includes:
- Working with the Head teacher and staff to ensure that the school fulfils its legal and moral duty to promote and safeguard the welfare of the children.
- Setting the overall budget for the school.
- Agreeing the priorities for improving the school as part of the overall School Development Plan.
Monitoring and Accountability:
- Ensuring that the school fulfils its educational and financial targets and has appropriate plans in place to meet the performance objectives.
- Ensuring accountability to the community for the use of resources and the standards of teaching and learning in the school.
- Supporting the Head teacher and staff, both in terms of challenging and seeking improvement, as well as praising and celebrating achievement.
Can we ask a Governor (especially a Parent Governor) for help?
A parent governor, just like all governors, must maintain an objective, non-operational approach to school governance. Although being available to advise parents on appropriate routes of action is an important aspect of the role, it is vital that governors do not become personally involved in individual concerns. Apart from the possibility of this jeopardising appropriate complaints and appeals procedures, no governor has the authority to act individually on the behalf of the school.
From experience, we have found that most concerns can be dealt with quickly and efficiently by talking directly to your class teacher. In addition, the Head of each Key Stage, the Deputy and Assistant Heads and the Head Teacher are available to discuss concerns and work with you towards a positive outcome. In the vast majority of cases, we find that most problems are resolved at school level. However, the Governing Body would step in to bring resolution, in the event that all school stage levels of communication had been exhausted.
How Governors are made accountable:
Every year, governors review the Governors’ Code of Practice and renew their commitment to it. Governors are expected to work as a team for the benefit of the whole school community. Governors must declare any conflict of interest they have with any item of business at any meeting.
Ofsted has published the criteria that inspectors will use to judge the effectiveness of a school’s governance.
Principles Governors adhere to:
Governors are mindful that in exercising governing body functions, they must act with integrity, objectivity and honesty and in the best interest of the school and be open about the decisions they make and the actions they take.
The Governors of Old Basford School are:
Chair of Governors:
David Lawson (Community Governor)
Vice Chair of Governors:
Caroline Aldrich (Community Governor and Chair of the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee)
Parent Governors
Yacine Blair, Adedipe Adedoyin, Julie Wirszycz
Community Governors:
Marguerite Adewoye, Susan Maher, Karla McLeod, Carrie Paechter
Staff Governors:
Jayne Thomas, Katie Priddy, Jamie Ross
Laura Duffin
The Members of Old Basford School Academy Trust are:
Daniel Appleby, Keith Barnes, Edith Pagliacci, Sam Rae, Simon Salmon
If you wish to contact the governing body you can do so in one of the following ways:
- Email: (Marked FAO of ‘Chair of Governing Body’)
- Letter (sealed envelope): Addressed to ‘Chair of Governing Body’, Old Basford School, Percy Street, Old Basford, Nottingham, NG6 0GF
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