Old Basford School

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Autumn term

Our Topic is...


Me and My World!

This half term we are thinking about ourselves, our feelings, our bodies and our world.

We will also be learning the nursery rhymes 'If you're happy and you know it', 'Miss Polly had a dolly', 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' and 'Busy body'.


Take a look at some of our learning below.

Week 6 and 7 - Willow Christmas!

We've had a great two weeks preparing for and celebrating Christmas. We began by decorating our tree and exploring the lights and baubles. We've used lots of different fine motor skills to make snowglobes and Christmas cards. This week we have measured, mixed, rolled and decorated Christmas cookies which we ate at our Christmas party.

Week 5 - Keeping Healthy

This week we have been thinking about how to keep our bodies healthy. We have practiced washing our hands and nails, brushing our teeth and making healthy sandwiches. Our word of the week has been 'help' so we have been asking for help, and learning words like 'ow', 'sore' and 'hurting' to get help when we need it as well as using plasters for bumps. 



Week 4 - Faces and Feelings

This week we have been thinking about the features on faces, and how they show the feelings happy, sad, angry and tired. Our word of the week has been 'different' so we have been looking in mirrors at how our faces are different. We used a range of fine motor skills to make our own faces and made them with playdough and shaving foam. 

Week 3 - My Body

We have been thinking about parts of our body this week. We drew round ourselves and decorated and labelled the different parts. We made bodies using different shapes, and used our fingers for counting. We used our fine motor skills to thread ten beads to help with counting. Our songs have been 'Busy Body' and 'Heads, shoulders, knees and toes.' Use the links below to sing along! 

Week 2 - 'Like' or 'not like'

We have been using the words 'like' or 'not like' to express our opinions about different touches and different tastes. We also made icing and decorated remembrance poppy biscuits. We have done lots of number work this week too.




Week 1 - Autumn Festivals

We have had a super week learning about Halloween, Bonfire Night and Diwali. We also really enjoyed our Autumn Art morning with parents. Look at all the wonderful things we have made. It's been a great way to develop our fine motor skills, creativity and mark-making. 

Our Topic is...


Colour Me Beautiful!

This half term we are learning all about colours through the stories 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' and 'Mix it Up'.

We will also be learning the nursery rhymes 'I Can Sing a Rainbow', '5 Green Bottles' and 'Baa Baa Black Sheep'.


Take a look at some of our learning below.


Week 7

It was fun seeing the huge fire engine on Monday and some of us even got a turn at sitting inside and squirting the hosepipe. We did our own squirting inside to make the colours mix, and added food colouring to bubble foam to see what colours we could make.



Week 6

This week we have explored colour mixing which has involved lots of messy fun. Our maths work has focused on number recognition and counting. Everyone has worked hard to explore numbers, count with cubes, dice and stickers, and to join in with number songs. 



Week 5

This week, we have made our own version of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?". The children did so well matching their animals to their colours and using their cutting and sticking skills. We used the number 1-5 to help us complete animal jigsaws too.


Every day we do Bucket Time to help us develop our concentration and attention skills. We are getting so much better at looking at the objects without grabbing for them. Well done Willow!

Week 4

We had a great week exploring different coloured fruits, making kebabs, using different tools for number formation and using our bodies in clever ways in PE.

Week 3

We have been working hard with our fine motor skills this week, strengthening our hands and improving our dexterity through playdough, using scissors, ripping and scrunching different papers, completing jigsaws and using tools. Don't you just love our colourful Mondrian style artwork?!

Week 2

Week 1
