To all of our parents/ carers, thank you so much for all of your support throughout the year and thank you for the end of term treats!
Mrs Testa leaves us today, we wish her well in her next venture.
Mrs Haywood and Mrs Priddle will be in the Willow from September.
Please see below visual for school holidays.
Wishing you all a wonderful summer break.
Week 6 in The Willow!
Week 6 in the Willow has been a busy week! We have explored sensory items from out story, printed shapes, explored faces with play dough making and exploring shaking to the beat in music!
Week 5 in The Willow
We have had a busy week this week with trips, transition and fair.
We all had some time with new classes and overall the day was a success, all staff were really proud of our pupils.
In Maths we have continued to explore shapes and foods of shapes, pupils have engaged with this well and enjoyed the different flavours.
We have had a number of staff and pupil birthdays this week, we have explored all things birthday and pupils explored a party which was a lovely time for cake decorating and balloon making.
Week 4 in The Willow
Week 4 in the Willow has been very warm! We have enjoyed exploring our senses in water, splashing, matching and exploring pouring with peers.
Science- exploring the beans we planted.
Literacy we have continued to explore sensory items and trays from the story of the Gruffalo.
Art- we used pegs and sponges for bounce painting.
Maths- exploring and matching shapes.
Week 3 in The Willow!
This week we have continued to enjoy creating and exploring new characters in the story of the Gruffalo in our literacy input.
Numeracy- we have explored building towers, counting up knocking the towers down.
Science- Exploring our world we explored planting beans to grow.
Art- We used different materials to create a craft animal we see in Summer, this week we made bees!
Sports day! we have been practicing running on the track ready for our events today!
Week 2 in The Willow!
This week we have started our half- term story for topic The Gruffalo, we have explored a woodland tray and introduced characters in the story. In art we have made mice for story-telling. We have done some great practice or sports day with balancing, throwing, running and rolling. We have explored animals and sharing during choose time. In music we experienced different songs and movement, cocomelon was a favourite! We made cards for 'someone special' for Fathers Day this weekend.
Inset day Wednesday 12th June - please see visual below to support for this day.
Summer 2 week 1!
A very big welcome back to the Willow! This week is Shakespeare week, as part of this we have been exploring different aspects of the story from Romeo and Juliet including, love, dressing up, feelings, mask making, jewellery making and TACPAC (tactile approach to communication) whereby we have explored different textures through tapping.
Romeo and Juliet week.
Wow! Week 6!
We have had a very busy week in the Willow, this week we have explored floating and sinking, mark making, exploring different textures with our senses. Today we have celebrated cultural diversity with food tasting and crafting, thank you to parents who sent foods in to explore, a good time had by all.
We have sent home some of this half-terms crafting items, there is also a 'all about me' form in bags, we would appreciate this being completed for the first week back as we are exploring the them of love.
A Willow wedding... experience! Congratulations in advance to our lovely Mrs Wynne as she gets married in the holidays.
Week 5 in The Willow!
We have had a busy week this week! We have a new care assistant Mrs Lucakcs who has joined us this week, welcome to the Willow.
We have continued with exploring Under the Sea! We have enjoyed exploring different senses and activities. Today we explored the story of' The Tiger who came to tea' we have explored who was in the story and what the tiger did, we then created our own tea party, we explored different flavours and made jam sandwiches, we had a great time.
Week 4 in The Willow!
A busy week in the Willow! We have been exploring seaweed spaghetti in a sea scene, experiencing sensory play in our environment, matching numbers, exploring all things number 1, ice lollies! & making turtles with recycled materials and fish biscuits! Fabulous exploring Willows!
Next Friday is pyjamarama.
Week 3 in The Willow!
We have had a busy week with new stories, explorative play and crab-crafting! We have been exploring new fish under the Sea, this week we explored jelly fish. We have also been exploring letters in our name and matching them with staff support.
We have been exploring using our fine motor skills in threading and using picture exchange to communicate wants in class, in music we have been exploring 'shaking and stopping' using musical instruments and song to support us to know when to shake and when to stop!
Week 2 in The Willow!
We have had a lovely week exploring all things Under the Sea! We have explored frozen fish, mark making, colour matching, layering, counting fish and mark making letters in our name. We have had a great week during sensory circuits as part of our morning routine in exploring different activities.
Week 2 in The Willow
A very warm welcome to Mrs Testa, our new teacher in The Willow. We are really looking forward to having you at Old Basford School!
Week 1
Welcome back Willows! We have had a lovely start to the Summer term, we have been exploring fish and 'under the sea' through sensory experiences.
Under the Sea!
Spring Is In The Air!
We finished our animal topic thinking about Spring and all the different baby animals. We enjoyed a Spring walk round the school grounds looking for birds, ducks and butterflies. Our fine motor practice helped us make lots of beautiful Spring crafts and we finished by making some delicious Easter nests.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar continues!
We have been busy counting and painting butterflies and fruit, and we loved our bug-hunt looking for different insects.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This week we started our new animal story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Look out for all of our caterpillar and butterfly fun to come. We started by making moving caterpillars!
Spring 2: Animals
We have started our new animal topic with two weeks of activities based around the book
We have done so much already including many art projects, animal sounds bingo games, sorting animals by size, matching the animals to their crates and of course we have read the story many times. We have also really enjoyed the story sack and playing with the animals from the book.
Spring Term 2024
This term we are starting with a Nursery Rhymes topic. Each week we will learn a new rhyme and enjoy activities linked to it to practice our skills.
Week 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive
We have continued working on our number skills this week using our fingers to count up to 10. We've enjoyed using glitter glue to make sparkly fish and working on our scissor skills to make tissue paper fish as well. We have used the numicon shapes to poke the right number of fingers through.
We're also so proud of the progress some children are making in taking turns in play, interacting with adults, showing patience and requesting more of a preferred activity.
Week 3 - Five Little Ducks
This week we have enjoyed lots of number activities linked to our song of the week, 5 Little Ducks. We have played with the the ducks in the water tray, practised counting to 5 in lots of different way and had great fun painting.
Week 2 - Hickory Dickory Dock
This week, we've been looking at numbers on a clock, and learning about circles, squares, rectangles and triangles.
Week 1 - Incy Wincy Spider
We enjoyed making handprint spiders, posting things down our drainpipe and adding legs to playdough spiders. We enjoyed Magic Spider pictures and painting sun and rain artwork too!
Keeping Our Bodies Healthy!
This week we have thought about ways to keep our bodies healthy. We have practised brushing our teeth and washing our hands. We thought about healthy foods and explored fruits and vegetables in different ways. We enjoyed investigating the shapes and smells, and some of us even tried some new flavours.
Our Senses
This week we have been exploring our senses. We tried to identify different smells, we looked for chocolate coins on our 'seeing hunt', we had a fabulous tasting session, touched many new textures with our hands and feet and played instruments to hear a variety of sounds.
We're learning about our bodies this week and all the different parts. We listen to the Pantosaurus song and My Body Belongs To Me because we want to learn to keep our bodies safe and private. We put pants on our baby doll and chose funny pants to cover up private parts. In PE, we found different ways to move on our bottoms to practise using the names of body parts.
Talk PANTS with Pantosaurus and his PANTS song #TalkPANTS
Meet Pantosaurus - our pant-wearing Dino! He wants every child to stay safe and strong, just like him, and he's on a mission to share an important message. We're currently trying to create a brand new PANTS storybook so we can reach more children.
My Body Is My Body Song (+Intro) Child Abuse Prevention Program for Child Safety #mbimb
My Body Is My Body Song Child Abuse Prevention Program for 3 - 8 year olds teaching body safety, and a fun way to learn the subject good touch /bad touch. (Please visit our website for the full programme) This song is to teach children that their body is their own and no-one has the right to hurt them or touch their private parts.
11th Nov - The Willow Remembers
We made poppies on Remembrance Day using handprint and fingerprinting.
Make a Funny Face!
For the first week of our 'Marvellous Me' topic, we have looked at faces. We have explored the parts of our faces using mirrors, made faces using cornflour, fruit and vegetables and spaghetti. We loved the stickers too and used them to make some very silly faces! We enjoyed a song all about different faces.
Welcome to the Pumpkin Patch!
It's been a 'pumpkin-y' week with lots of sensory exploration. Carrying and rolling our HUGE pumpkin, feeling and examining the different small ones, and of course lots of scooping, squeezing and sliminess! We've sung the 5 Little Pumpkin song to help us think about different feelings too.
Water play has been our main focus this week. It is wonderful for sensory exploration, mark making, working with others and have great fun!
Autumn Days!
What lovely sunny weather we are having! In The Willow, we are making the most of the sunshine to enjoy exploring Autumn. Today, we have investigated lots of different autumnal objects from nature, mixed up autumn colours with foam and paint, been on a leaf hunt to find leaves of different shapes and colours and then used them to print some beautiful patterns using rollers to mix different shades.
You can enjoy our two Autumn songs using the links below.
Enjoy our popular seasons, autumn (fall) and preschool song for children with lyrics, "Autumn Leaves are Falling Down" (To the tune of "London Bridges"). From the CD, Children's Favorite Autumn Songs & Fingerplays.
Orange, Yellow, Red and Brown - Seasons Songs for Kid - Kids Color Songs - By The Learning Station
Enjoy our popular seasons, autumn (fall) and preschool color song for children with lyrics, "Orange, Yellow, Red and Brown" (To the tune of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"). From the CD, Children's Favorite Autumn Songs & Fingerplays.
Daily PE in The Willow
Every morning we go to the hall for our PE session it is a popular part of the day. This term we have tried a wide variety of activities from ball games, running and chasing, dancing, large apparatus, obstacle courses and gymnastics. We are very skilled climbers!