Old Basford School

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

We are delighted to begin the new academic year with you all and can't wait to get to know you as individuals and class groups. We have wonderful topics and exciting learning set throughout the entire year!

Meet the Team for


Upcoming Events

Monday 20th May - Half-term work showcase - 3.00 - 3.30.

'Welcome to Year 5' information

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PE Uniform Days


Outdoor PE - Tuesday

Indoor PE - Friday


Year 5 Residential dates

 Walesby Forest  Tuesday 18th June 2024 - Wednesday 19th June 2024

Year 5 moving to Year 6 - Residential information

Supporting your child at home


Y5 children will all have a colour banded reading book which is appropriate for their level as well as a reading for pleasure book.  Please support us by reading and discussing their books at home.  There is an additional sheet stuck in diaries explaining the goals and how to help your child.


Each week the children will be given ten spellings, engaging in daily practice using a range of fun and helpful activities. You can support them to practice their weekly spellings as well as the common exception words that you will find stuck in their diaries.

Practising their spellings little and often, making it fun is key to helping your children to become confident and successful spellers.

As a team, we can help the children to become super spellers. 


Each child has a  Times Table Rock Star account and login details are stuck in diaries.  This can be accessed from home so please encourage your child to have fun and practise their times tables.  Inside diaries there is a copy of the times tables up to 12x and  a 'key instant recall facts' (KIRFs).  Each half term, a KIRF will be focussed on.  Autumn 1's focus is multiplication and division facts to 12X.

Half Term Creative Homework Project

Every half term, we set a creative topic homework project linked to the current topic.  It's always a favourite time of the term, when we share these in the last week before we break up.

Please see flyer below, also stuck in diaries.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview for 2023 - 2024

Spring term spellings


Welcome back to school Y5! We are very excited to start the term and can't wait to start all of the exciting things we have planned.  Our topic is called Living Life and has a science focus.  Each Friday afternoon, you will be taught art by the tremendous Mrs Maker and PE by our talented sports coach. We will also have weekly Computing, Spanish and music lessons. In writing, our two Talk for Writing units will focus on writing a story and a poem. Our shared reading book will be Beetle Boy. Our main math's focus will be Shape, decimals and place value.

Each week, we will upload a brief synopsis and some photos and videos.

Please see below for further documentation.

Week beginning Monday 22nd July

Topic Champions!

Congratulations to our Summer Term topic quiz champions. 

Week beginning Monday 15th July

Class 11's final Homework Projects

Double Page Spreads


This afternoon, Year 5 completed their final double page spreads.

Kingswood Leaflets


This afternoon, Year 6 paired up with Year 5 to show them their leaflets about Kingswood. They also answered questions about their very exciting residential. 

Week beginning Monday 1st July

Famous scientists


This afternoon, Year 5 researched some famous naturalists including David Attenborough, Chris Packham and Jade Goodall.



This afternoon, Year 5 expanded their computing knowledge by including switches when coding with crumble.

Week beginning Monday 24th June

Computing Crumble


This week in computing, we worked with our brand new crumble kits again and this time included motors in our coding. 


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Week beginning Monday 17th June

Musical Masterpiece!


This week, Year 5's song based on Romeo and Juliet was finished. The chart-topping masterpiece can be heard below! Well done Year 5! 

On the streets of Verona - OBS 1.mp3

Week beginning Monday 10th June


Year 5 had their first experience using Crumble kits today. Making full use of the school's Creative Habits of Learning, the children worked in teams to connect the Crumble to the laptop, and some led lights.  They then created simple programs to control the lights flashing different colours and varying the lengths of time for which they flashed.

Week beginning Monday 3rd June


Romeo and Juliet


Our first week back was dedicated to learning about the famous Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet. As well as learning the story and doing lots of fun drama, we also designed and made our own masquerade ball masks.

Week beginning Monday 20th May

We had a brilliant day today, celebrating World Day for Cultural Diversity. The children looked amazing, enjoyed learning, had lots of fun and respected each other.

Creative Homework


We have had some lovely creative homework handed in this term!



Today in science, Year 5 received a sample of Arctic water, however it was filled with plastic! We got to work filtering it and then checked it using a microscope for microplastics.

Week beginning Monday 13th May

Reversible and Irreversible changes investigation


This afternoon, Year 5 carried out a scientific investigation that looked at what materials were soluble and insoluble. We also looked at if we were able to reverse these changes using the available equipment.


Week beginning 5th May

On Thursday, Severn Trent Water visited us and led our whole school assembly, teaching us how much water we use in everyday activities and how to reduce this.  Y5 also had a workshop, where the children learned about how sewage is cleaned by STW.  They also got to make 'sewage soup' as well as having the challenge of trying to clean it.  We all had great fun and learned some amazing facts!

Week beginning Monday 29th April

Super Scientists


This afternoon, Year 5 received an assignment from an Arctic explorer who wanted to keep his coffee warm. In response, we investigated a variety of materials as well as how well they kept liquids warm. 

Week beginning Monday 22nd April

Geography Biome Day

Our challenge was to learn about biomes in a day, and we did it!  Here's how:

1) Conduct some field work around the school, with our geography hats on

2) Use the internet to learn about the different biomes

3) Get into teams and find out which biome you will be responsible for learning about

4) Make a model biome

5) Do some detailed research about your biome: physical landscape, climate, plants, animals and threats

6) Make a postcard using Lifeapp on the Ipads

7) Report back to the class about your area of expertise


Religious Buildings


In RE this week, Year 5 looked at a variety of religious buildings and compared their features.

Week beginning Monday 15th April

Arctic Adventures WOW day

To start off our amazing new topic, Year 5 were visited by a real-life Arctic explorer.  

Week beginning Monday 25th March

Well done to all of the children who brought their homework in for show and tell. Here are some children who wanted their picture taken!

Congratulations to these children - winners of our topic award for their fantastic double page spreads on Ancient Greece

Week beginning  Monday 18th March

Class 11 visited Ellis Guilford this morning and played basketball and curling.  The children were physically active for a prolonged period, collaborated well together and learnt some new skills.  As always, and as expected, their behaviour was wonderful and they represented our school beautifully.  Well done Class 11!  Class 12 will have their turn next week.

What have the Ancient Greeks ever done for us?


This afternoon, Year 5 did lots of research into how Ancient Greece influenced the modern world. Needless to say, they found a lot! 

Week beginning Monday 11th March

Here's Y5 practising their collaboration and inquisitive skills.  They were tasked with making their own PE game with rules that they and others could play.  This is part of our Breaking Limits Programme which promotes self confidence and inclusivity in physical activity.


This week, Year 5 learnt about the origins of the Olympic games and compared the ancient Olympics to the ones we have today.

Week beginning  Monday 4th March


Here we are enjoying some graphic novels on World Book Day!

Week beginning 26th February

Amazing Artefacts

This afternoon, Year 5 became historians and looked at a variety of artefacts from Ancient Greece.


In literacy, we are looking at the Greek myth of Perseus and Medusa. To help learn the story, we did some very exciting drama.

Week beginning 20th February

This half term's topic kicked off with designing, making, photographing, eating and advertising a stuffed Greek pitta.  We are encouraging the children in their oracy skills and they all had the opportunity to 'pitch their pitta' to others in class!

Marvellous Mapwork!


This afternoon, Year 5 used maps, laptops and iPads to learn about the geography of Greece.

Week beginning 5th February


Last pictures of this half term, celebrating children's homework.

Week beginning 29th January

Year 5 carried out an investigation about friction using a force meter, shoes and different surfaces.

Week beginning 22nd January

We have had a creative week, where children have worked collaboratively on presenting their knowledge .  Firstly, in the third week of The GREAT Project, children made posters about healthy and unhealthy relationships.  Secondly, as part of our topic on Be Empowered, children had the choice of how they wanted to present what they had learned about renewable and non renewable energy.

Air resistance investigation


This week, Year 5 have learnt about air resistance and carried out their own scientific investigation into it.

Women Who Made History


Over the last week, Year 5 have been reading the book 'Women Who Made History', focussing on Boudicca, Flora Drummond, Noor Inayat Khan, Sayyida al-Hurra and Ada Lovelace. In our final lesson, we made some lovely fact files.  

Week beginning 15th January


Enjoying a bit of drama on a sunny Monday morning to help us understand the characters in a story a little more, before we write an imagined dialogue between them.

Glorious Geography


This afternoon, Year 5 were set the task of making a presentation about the types of renewable energy as well as why they are important. 

Week beginning Monday 8th January 2024



This afternoon, Year 5 started their new sport this term, hockey. 

Week beginning Thursday 4th January 2024


HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Welcome back Year 5. It was lovely to see all the children today.  We are lucky to have Miss Talia teaching us dance until February half term.  Here are some of the children warming up and practising their high kicks.

WOW day


Year 5 had a very creative start to our new topic. This involved designing and making our very own wind turbines.

Week beginning 18th December

Year 5 Topic Quiz


Well done to the Autumn term topic quiz champions in what was a tight contest!

Week beginning 11th December

Creative Homework


The creative homework we have received has been out of this world! The creativity shown was astronomical! 

Week beginning 4th December

Marvellous Map Work


This afternoon, Year 5 used atlases and Digimaps to learn about longitude and latitude. We then completed a challenge to find the longitude and latitude of various cities across the world!

Week beginning 27th November




Today, Year 5 had a space day. One of the activities was to design and build a spaceship that would protect the people inside. We tested our designs using eggs and were surprised when there wasn't a single one that cracked!

Year 5 carrying out an investigation on shadows in science.

Here we are designing and making protection suits for our space eggs in teams!  They were dropped outside from a height to test how well they were protected.  Did we do well? Of course we did!  Only one egg broke.

Week beginning 20th November

Learning about the lunar cycle with everyday equipment!

Week beginning 13th November


Year 5 had a LOT of fun today learning about the planets in our solar system, including their sizes, order and distance from the sun.



This week, Year 5 started playing football in outdoor PE.

Week beginning Monday 6th November



This afternoon, Year 5 met their Amigos for the first time.



We started off our Autumn 2 topic 'Life on Mars' with a very creative WOW day, which involved some alien art work and building rockets. 

Week beginning Monday 16th October

Creative Homework


We have had some amazing creative homework in Year 5.

Maya Angelou


In our writing this week, we are looking at the story of Maya Angelou. We started off by learning her incredible story and then doing some drama based on it.

Week beginning Monday 9th October

Fantastic hot writes based on our warning story - The Caravan.  What a brilliant start to the year!

Fantastic Fieldwork and Theatre Tour


Year 5 started this week off with an exciting school trip. First, we went to the Forest Recreation Ground to study the site of the Goose Fair (which still had lots of stuff there!) and carry out some geography fieldwork. After, we had a BRILLIANT backstage tour of Theatre Royal, where we learned a lot about the theatre's history. Thank you to everyone who helped us and to Theatre Royal for giving us the VIP treatment!  

Week beginning Monday 2nd October

Willard Wigan


This morning, Year 5 had such an amazing time working with famous artist Willard Wigan. Creativity was flowing like a river! 

Masterful Map Work!


This afternoon, Year 5 used Digimaps to explore the local area and plan a route to the Goose Fair. We also compared a map of the current location of the Goose Fair to one from the 1800's to see how the area has changed. Well done future historians/geographers! 

Maths Workshop


Thank you to all who could make it to the parent workshop on Monday. For any who couldn't make it, please find the slides below.

Week beginning Monday 25th September

Trip to Clover Green


Year 5 went on a trip to Clover Green today. We talked to residents about their experiences of the Goose Fair as well as Nottingham. They proved a fountain of knowledge and we learnt so much about the history of theatres, the Goose Fair and much more! Thank you so much for having us Clover Green.  

Super Search Engines


This afternoon, Year 5 looked at what search engines are and how they work. We then had a go at comparing the results we got from several different search engines. 

History of Nottingham's Theatres


This afternoon, Year 5 looked at a variety of historical sources and analysed them to find out about the many theatres that used to be in Nottingham.

Week beginning Monday 18th September

Class 11 perform our Talk 4 Writing text - The Caravan

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Goose Fair Map


Year 5 became geographers this afternoon when they created some sketch maps of the school. They then used their map skills to plan where a fairground would go on the school grounds.

Week beginning Monday 11th September

Glorious Glockenspiels 


This afternoon, Year 5 got the glockenspiels out to start performing their new song in music. It was glorious!

Goose Fair Research


This afternoon, Year 5 looked at a variety of primary and secondary history sources to see how the Goose Fair has changed over the last 100 years. Needless to say, we found a lot of ways it has changed and some where it has stayed the same.

Week beginning Monday 4th September



Class 11's finished collective art work

Class 12's finished collective art work

Nottingham Nights WOW day


We started off our new topic by looking at the artists Fred Fowle and Arthur Spooner. We looked at their style of art and had a go ourselves, we especially liked looking at Arthur Spooner's painting of the Goose Fair.

Hello from the NEW Class 11!

Class 12 Magpies
