Q & A
How do I report an absence?
Text the absence line on 0115 8240499
You can also call the school office on 0115 978 5505
How do I apply for breakfast club or after school club place?
Application forms are available from the school office or can be downloaded below.
At present, we do have a waiting list for places on some mornings at breakfast club.
My address and/or telephone number has changed, also how do I update my emergency contact details?
Please log in to Sims Parent to update your details, the office can pick this up and complete the changes.
My Child needs medication in school. What do I need to do ?
Please complete & sign a medicine authorisation form and hand into the school office with the medicine. This will have the name of medicine, dosage and time to be given.
How do I enrol my child at Old Basford School?
Please contact the school office to add your child to the Nursery waiting list.
All admissions for children in main school are dealt with by the Nottingham City Council Admissions Department. Telephone: 0115 841 5568.
How much is school uniform?
Jumpers, cardigans, P.E. bags and book bags, with the school logo, can be purchased from the office. Jumpers are £7.00 (larger sizes are £10.00), cardigans are £10.00 (larger sizes £12.00). Book & PE bags are from £3.50.
How much are school lunches?
For children in Years 3 to 6 the cost of a school meal is £2.55 a day (£12.75per week). We ask that school lunches are paid in advance & the child's account always as a credit balance. This is paid online using the School Gateway. The minimum payment is £12.75 (but this will be rolling credit balance if your child only has 1 meal a week)
For children in Foundation Stage and Years 1 and 2 they are automatically entitled to receive a free school meal under the Universal Free School meals scheme introduced by the Government.
My child is ill. How long do they need to stay away from school?
Please click below to be taken to the Government's website for the latest advice from Public Health England:
When are the school holidays for this year?
Term dates below