Foundation 1
Meet the Team for

Key Information
- Please put your child's name on their water bottle and clothing.
- Your children will often get messy during their play, please provide a change of clothing just in case!
- We have a few allergies in the nursery this year, please adhere to the schools no nut policy if you provide lunch for your child!
Session Times
AM: 8.40-11.40 Doors open for pick up at 11.30
PM: 12.30-3.30 Doors open for pick up at 3.20
All Day: 8.40am -3.30pm- Lunch 11.40-12.30
Key Dates:
Wednesday 12th June- Inset Day- School Closed
Thursday 4th July- F1 Sports Day 10:15am- 11:30am for morning children
2pm- 3:20pm for all day and afternoon children
Wednesday 24th July- F1 Graduation- 11am
Thursday 25th July- Last day of school
Summer 2
We look forward to welcoming you all back to Nursery on Monday 3rd June!
Week beginning 15.7.24
Week beginning 8th July
The children have spent time this week playing in class 1 and 2 ready for 'Big School' in September. They loved playing with all the new toys and exploring their new classroom! They were so good at tidying away too! Their new teachers are going to be so happy with how well they can tidy! Great work Nursery! We are so proud of you!
Week Beginning 1st July
Sports Day!
The children (and adults) were absolutely amazing at their sports day event today! They were fabulous at trying all the different activities and showing their grown-ups how good they are at climbing and balancing on our trim trail! Well done Nursery, you have made all the adults very proud today! Thank you to all the grown-ups for participating and being great sports! The children have really enjoyed today and showing off their abilities to you all!
Week beginning 24.6.24
The children have had great fun learning our new story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We have been looking at the words 'under', 'over', and 'through' to help children with their positional language. The children were brilliant once more during our PE lesson. This week we practised starting and stopping and then moving along the benches in different ways.
The children have loved exploring the slime in our 'messy tray' talking about what it looks, smells and feels like. We read the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and then looked at some real life caterpillars that were starting to make their own cocoons!
Week beginning 17.6.24
Well done Nursery for another fab week of learning!
The children have enjoyed their first PE lesson in the hall today. We practised moving around the hall in different ways and stopping and standing still when they heard the whistle. The children did some super listening and ALL got a sicker at the end of the session for trying their hardest. Well done!
This week in Maths the children have been learning about shapes. They are getting really good at learning the shape names and are now learning to talk about what the shapes look like using the words 'sides' and 'corners'.
Well done everyone! You have made all the grown-ups super proud again!
Week beginning 10.6.24
The children have had another great week at Nursery. They have enjoyed playing with the water outside, making water slides for the boats and ducks. We have continued learning the story 'Dinosaur Dance' acting out the story and moving in lots of different ways. The children have enjoyed playing in our new 'Montessori' Area inside, letting their imaginations run wild with the endless play possibilities.
Another super week of learning! Well done!
Week beginning 3.6.24
The children have really enjoyed learning our new story 'Dinosaur Dance' this week. They have particularly enjoyed listening to the link below and joining in with dinosaur actions. Click the link below to access the song.
Dinosaur Dance! | Story Time + Dance Party - YouTube
The children have also been practicing their scissor skills, learning how to hold their scissors correctly and cutting along lines. Great work Nursery!
The children have enjoyed playing outside and finding creepy crawlies! They found some snails and made them a little house to keep them safe! Well done for looking after our wildlife!
Summer 1
We hope you all had a lovely Easter break! We are very excited to be welcoming everyone back into Nursery to start our Summer Term! We are especially looking forward to getting to know those children who are starting new in our Nursery! We have lots of exciting things planned for you to play with!
This half term in our Big Book sessions, the children will be learning all about the stories of Jack and The Beanstalk and Jaspers Beanstalk. Please see our attached 'Knowledge Organiser' to see in more detail what the children will be learning and the vocabulary we will be focusing on.
If you do not have these books at home then please click on the links below to watch both these stories with your children.
Jack and The Beanstalk:
Tumble Tales: Jack and the Beanstalk - CBeebies - BBC
Jaspers Beanstalk:
Jasper's Beanstalk (
In phonics we will be hearing and saying words that start with the same sounds. We will also be having a go at saying some tongue twisters.
Click the link below to practise some silly tongue twisters with your child at home!
Have fun!
FUN Letters and sounds phase 1 alliteration TONGUE TWISTERS! (
In Maths the children will continue to 'get to know their numbers!' We will be singing lots of counting rhymes where they will practice using their fingers to show amounts to 5. We will be practising counting out amounts to 10 and finding the right number to show how many there are. Please practise counting with your child at home and look out for numbers when your are out and about!
Week beginning 20.5.24
Week beginning 13.5.24
Nursery have had another fabulous week of leaning! They have fully embraced the wet weather outside and have loved exploring all the muddy puddles. They have especially loved getting muddy in the very sloshy mud pit! The children worked hard to learn our rhyme 'Jasper's Beanstalk' to help them remember and order the story! Lots of children have also been working hard to learn to write the first letter in their name correctly! Keep working on this at home!
Well done everyone and we hope you have a lovely half term!
Stay and Play 17.5.24
Thank you to everyone who came to our Stay and Play session. The children loved showing you their learning! Here are a few photos.
We have had another very busy but successful week of learning. The children have really enjoyed learning our new story 'Jasper's Beanstalk' and have done some wonderful observational drawings of our own beanstalks growing in Nursery! The children have enjoyed playing hairdressers in our home corner and roasting marshmallows in the den and camping area outside! Super imagination! Well done!
Week beginning 6.5.24
This week the children had a special visitor from Lakeside Arts into school to do some storytelling with them. The children had great fun dressing up as characters from Jack and the Beanstalk and acting out the story! You were so good at remembering all the different characters!
The children have particularly loved playing outside this week, especially now the weather is getting water. They have had great fun playing in the water and making magic potions in the mud kitchen!
Please remember to bring your child wearing sun cream and a hat now the weather is getting warm. Thank you!
Week beginning 29.4.24
This week the children have had some very special visitors into school! Some with fur, some with scales and even some with spikes! The children were so brave touching all the animals and being so careful not to scare them! The children learnt about what the animals eat, where they would live in the wild and even what kind of skeleton they have!
The children also planted some beans this week we have noticed that they have started to grow. The beans have little shoots and leaves and we can even see the roots through the clear pot! We have learnt that the roots suck up all the water and nutrients from the soil to help it to grow big and strong...just like the beanstalk in the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Week beginning 22.4.24
Week beginning 22.4.24
The children have had great fun planting some 'magic' beans this week! After reading 'Jack and the Beanstalk' the children wanted to grown their own beanstalk. We planted some beans in a clear pot to watch them grow! We have also added some soil and seeds to our messy tray for children to explore independently.
The children have worked together to make a giant beanstalk using green paper and split pins. It was so long it nearly reached the ceiling! It has been great to see the children have a go at using split pins to join their beanstalk together on their own! Well done!
The children enjoyed counting out 5 bears for a picnic during number work and giving each teddy some fruit to eat. They were fab at knowing how many more were needed and how many were left when one teddy ate their food!
Great work Nursery! Another fabulous week!
Week beginning 15.4.24
The children have had a great first week back! Well done to all our new children who have settled into school Nursery so well! We are so proud of you!
The children have enjoyed reading our new story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and have been using pictures and props to retell the story!
The children were amazing when looking at shapes! Lots of them already knew what a triangle, square, rectangle and circle was. We have been working hard to learn the words 'sides' and 'corners' to help us talk about the shapes we can see!
Well done Nursery for a fan first week back!
Spring 2!
We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to Nursery after the weeks holidays!
This half term the children will be learning the stories 'Dear Zoo' and 'Walking Through The Jungle'. Please click on the links below to watch the stories being told.
Dear Zoo (Share a Story Corner) (
Walking through the Jungle (
This half term the children will also be learning about rhyming words. Please ensure you spend some time each week learning the 'rhyme of the week' that your child brings home. We will also put the link of each rhyme on the website for you to look at.
Here is a link to more nursery rhymes you can learn with your child.
CBeebies Nursery Rhymes - CBeebies - BBC
Here are some good books you may want to read with your child to help them understand and hear rhyming words:
Oi Frog- by Kes Gray
The Duck In the Truck by Jez Allborough
Any Julia Donaldson books
Pants- Giles Andreae
Shark in the Park- by Nick Sharratt
Week beginning 25.3.24
The children have had great fun learning all about Easter this week. We have been looking at our new book 'We're Going on an Egg Hunt' and acting it out. They have been decorating eggs and even made their own chocolate Easter nest! Yum, yum!
Thank you for working with your child to create an Easter Bonnet! They looked great! The children loved showing them off in the assembly! They made us so proud with how well they sang in front of all the grown ups!
Well done Nursery for another great term!
We look forward to seeing you all again after the Easter holiday!
Week beginning 18.3.24
This week the children have been having lots of fun acting out the story of 'Walking Through the Jungle'. They are now getting really good at joining in with the story and remembering the words!
We have been learning the number 4 this week. The children are getting so good with their counting. Lots of them were able to show 4 on their fingers and clap, jump, hop 4 times! We then took turns to roll a dice and shout out which number it landed on!
They children have once again been getting very creative, painting lots of pictures of their family and the jungle animals from our story. In the 'Workshop Area' children have had a go at making some animals using the boxes.
Well done Nursery, another great week full of exciting learning!
Week beginning 11.3.24
This week the children have had great fun learning our new story 'Walking Through the Jungle'. We have been looking at the different animals and the sounds they make. We have pretended to be leaping lions, creeping tigers and swinging monkeys!
It has been a very exciting week as we found some frogspawn in our pond and have collected some to see what happens! To our surprise some of it has started to change and we can even see the odd tadpole too! The child have used the magnifying glasses to take a closer look!
The children have been fabulous at learning the number 3 and lots of them can now show three on their fingers and count out 3 objects! Super counting!
Week beginning 4.3.24
The children have had great fun this week acting out the story of 'Dear Zoo' and pretending to be different animals from the text. We spoke about how the animals move and the sounds they make. We made a story map to help us retell the story from memory.
On Thursday it was 'World Book Day'. The children looked fabulous in their costumes. It was great to see some of the children bringing in their favourite books. We enjoyed watching MC Grammar rap some of our favourite stories.
What a great week! Well done!
Week beginning 26.2.24
This week the children have been very busy learning the story 'Dear Zoo'. They have been painting, colouring and collaging animals from the story. We created a story map together as a class to help us retell the story and remember what comes next!
The children have enjoyed mark making in the cornflour drawing different shapes and even having a go at writing their names! Super work!
It has been wonderful to see how their building and construction skills have developed. The children have been working together to make some marvellous models both inside and out. Well done!
Week beginning 19.2.24
The children have enjoyed learning the book 'Dear Zoo' this week and playing with the animals in our story corner. We have been learning the number 2 in Number Work. It was great to see some of the children choosing to write numbers on their own during choosing time! The children have enjoyed playing in the puddles outside making big splashes! We spoke about what might float and sink in the puddles and decided to get some boats out to see what would happen. The children then decided to use the wooden sticks to push the boats into 'deep' water.
What great learning! Well done!
Spring 1
We are very excited to be welcoming the children back to Nursery on Thursday 4th January.
We can not wait to hear all about what they have been up to over the holidays. We would love for you to share any photo's on their Tapestry account for us to share with the children at school.
We will begin this half term looking at the story 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'. Please share this story with your child at home to support their learning. Click on the link below to access a video of the story.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff | Fairy Tales | Gigglebox (
We will continue to share with you the rhyme of the week which you will receive at the start of each week. You will also find the link to the rhyme on the school website.
We look forward to seeing you again in the new year. Please don't hesitate to speak with any member of the team if you have any questions.
Week beginning 5.2.24
This week the children have enjoyed carrying on learning the book 'Pete The Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons'. They have been making some 'groovy' buttons of their own in the creative area and colouring in and painting outlines of Pete The Cat!
Click on the link below to watch a video of the story!
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons | Animated Book | (
The children were very excited when it snowed and although there wasn't enough to make a snowman they enjoyed exploring the slushy ice and paddling in the muddy puddles! They used the poles from the construction area as fishing rods to catch some fish! Super imagination! Well done Nursery!
Week beginning 29.1.24
This week the children have loved learning our new storybook 'Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons'.
Click on the link below to watch a video of the story!
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons | Animated Book | (
They have enjoyed hunting for some 'groovy' buttons in the slime and looking at the hidden numbers too!
The children have enjoyed learning the rhyme '10 Fat Sausages' and have been making their own sausages using the playdough. They have been great at remembering our number of the week 0 in their play too!
Well done Nursery for a fab week of learning!
Week beginning 22.1.24
What a fabulous week we have had! The children have really enjoyed having their grown-ups come to listen to 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' story. Thank you for coming to watch the session and joining in with some of our favourite songs.
The children have enjoyed painting pictures of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and acting out the story in their play. They have been making some great models using the bricks. We have been working hard to copy some of the ideas from the model cars.
Click the link below to see the rhyme for this week.
Week beginning 15.1.24
This week the children have enjoyed acting out the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. They have used the masks and the small world toys to help them to retell the story in their play! Super work!
The children have also enjoyed exploring the slime tray squashing the slime between their hands and feeling it all slurp through their fingers! They used paintbrushes to copy the patterns on the cards in the tray!
It has been super cold this week but it hasn't stopped the children from loving the outdoors. They have enjoyed making ramps for the balls and cars to roll down and playing in the sand with the cars and trucks.
Super learning again this week Nursery! Well done!
Week beginning 8th January
The children have had great fun leaning our new story 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and acting it out using the masks. We have also enjoyed welcoming some new children into Nursery this week. They have been so brave and saying good bye to their grown-ups! What a super first week back we have had!
Please click the link below to listen to this weeks rhymes of the week:
Autumn 2
We are very excited to be welcoming the children back to school on Monday 6th November! We can not wait to hear about what they have been up to during the holidays! Don't forget to share any memorable moments with us on their Tapestry account so we can celebrate their learning together!
Week beginning 11.12.23
Please click the links below to see this weeks learning and the link for the rhyme of the week.
Week beginning 4.12.23
We are so proud of how well the children did in our Christmas performance. They were fantastic! We don't think we have ever heard Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star sung quite so well!
Well done Nursery, you have made all your teachers and grownups very proud!
The children have had great fun this week practising their blancing skills on the trim trail and enjoying the ice and water outside. They have been learning to use glue to stick glitter onto their pictures and are continuing to practise using scissors safely. They have loved dressing up in Santa's Workshop to make presents for the boys and girls on Christmas day! They have been so helpful to each other helping one another to put the outfits on!
Super work!

Take a look to see what the children will be learning this half term!
Week beginning 27.11.23
This week the children have enjoyed playing outside and investigating the ice! They loved looking at the icicles on the leaves and the ground. We froze some water in some gloves to make frozen hands! The children loved touching the ice and watching it melt.
We had great fun putting the Christmas Tree up and decorating it all together! We opened the first door in our advent calendar too! What an exciting time!
Chicken Licken Story Maps
We can retell parts of the story!




Photos from wb 20.11.23
The children have enjoyed playing in the leaves outside watching them blow in the wind!
Inside they have been very creative practising their cutting and sticking skills, painting and playing in the home corner. They have enjoyed learning the story 'Chicken Licken' using the story props to help.
Week Beginning 20th November 2023
The children are practising hard for our upcoming nativity performance. We have lots of songs to learn! Please see below for our weekly learning.
Week Beginning 13.11.23
This week the children are learning about Diwali by looking at photos of our friends celebrating, listening to the story Dipali's Diwali and exploring different aspects of this celebration. The children will be making their own Rangoli patterns, practising making marks and name writing in Diwali cards and making diya lamps out of playdough. Our rhyme of the week is 'I'm a little Diya'. We are also learning our focus story 'Chicken Licken' and our number of the week for maths is 3.
Rhyme of the Week - 13.11.23
Week beginning 6.11.23
Rhyme of the week- 5 Little Ducks
Our Focus Story- Chicken Licken
We will be learning all about the story Chicken Licken over the next few weeks.
Click on the link below to listen to the story with your child:
Week Beginning 16th October
This week the children have been learning about the number two for maths and have been practising the story of 'The Enormous Turnip' for Big Book. To celebrate 'Black History Month' we have also watched a special episode of 'Jo Jo and Gran Gran' where we learnt about Gran Gran's heritage and how she came to England from St Lucia. As part of our adult let learning the children have also been doing phonics sessions where we have clapped out the syllables in our names and 'Jigsaw' where we have learnt more about looking after our learning environment.
The rhyme of the week this week is 'Miss Polly had a Dolly'. All of the children have a copy of the rhyme to practise at home. Thank you to those who have recorded your child doing the rhyme of the week at home. We love to see you videos on tapestry! We wish you all a happy and healthy half term break.
Week Beginning 9th October 2023
The children have started to really settle into our nursery routines now and have mostly been happy, engaged and settled in their environment. This week we have been retelling the story of the 'Enormous Turnip' and have enjoyed learning songs based on the story. We have also been practising our Rhyme of The Week 'Row, Row, Row the Boat'. The children have also taken part in 'Jigsaw' this week which helps support the children's social and emotional development. This week we have been learning about being sad and happy. Later in the week the children will be doing phonics where they will be practising animal sounds. During choosing time the children have still been working on putting into practise our class motto 'choose it, use it and put it away!' with many of our children now joining in well at tidy up time too. Well done to all of our wonderful children!
Rhyme of the Week - 'Row, Row, Row the Boat.' Please practise this with your child. We would love to see videos of them performing their rhyme on tapestry!
Week beginning 2.10.23
The Enormous Turnip
We are learning the story of The Enormous Turnip. You may want to read this story at home with your child to familiarise them with the text. Don't forget to share any key memories at home with us on Tapestry.
Rhyme of the week:
Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
Please work with your child to learn the rhyme.
Week beginning 25.9.23
Rhyme of the week:
1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive!
Please have fun with your child to learn the rhyme of the week.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
We are learning the story Brown Bear by Bill Martin. The children have loved using the toys and props to act out the story during our Big Book sessions and also in their play. We have enjoyed learning the story through songs and using our story map to help us remember what comes next!
Click on the link below to listen to the song we have been learning:
Great work Nursery! What super storytellers you are!
Well done Nursery children!
What super stars you have been! We are so so proud of how well each and every one of the children have settled this week. For many of our new starters it has been the first time leaving their grown-ups! You have been so brave! We are very much looking forward to seeing you all again next week and continuing to get to you all!
Parents and careers, we just wanted to say a big thank you and well done to you also, as we know dropping your child off at Nursery can be a very emotional time for all. They have done you all very proud!
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to speak with a member of our team. We are always here and willing to help in anyway we can. Your child's happiness and wellbeing is our priority. We look forward to working with you to continue to support your child with settling into school and becoming happy, independent, life long learners.
Welcome to Old Basford School Nursery!
We are so excited to welcome everyone to our Nursery! We are looking forward to seeing the children grow and learn over the coming months. Please keep looking on our website to see all the wonderful things the children will be learning.
Please see below the photos of the children's new indoor learning environment.
Please make sure everything your child brings to school is clearly labelled with their full name. This includes their bags, hats, water bottles and shoes.
Thank you in advance!