Old Basford School

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Parent Information from Mrs Duffin, Safeguarding Lead and Head Teacher


Old Basford School has a duty of care to all pupils.  As staff, we collectively work hard to protect children from harm and to safeguard their wellbeing. Everyone at Old Basford School is jointly responsible for safeguarding but we do have a dedicated team of trained Safeguarding  Leads:

Mrs Duffin, Mrs Spilsbury, Mrs Priddle, Miss Toone, Mrs Thomas, Miss Dobson, Miss Young and Mrs Heywood.

​Any adult, parent/carer or child can report a concern to the safeguarding team who will take the issue seriously, fully investigate and then offer support where needed.


The role of safeguarding in school is to education children about keeping themselves safe, happy and well.  Our curriculum supports this through weekly Jigsaw sessions as well as one off enrichment days, assemblies and visitors. 


As well as supporting the children in school, we do also offer support and guidance to parents who need help in the home or with specific concerns, this might involve making a Multi Agency Referral to Children and Families Direct who can then signpost the most relevant external support. 


If you have any questions regarding safeguarding, our role as a team in the school or would like to know more about a specific issue please do not hesitate to get in  touch.


OBS Child on Child Abuse Policy

OBS CiC and PCiC Policy - Laura Duffin and Sharon Priddle are the Designated CiC and PCiC Teachers

Safeguarding in the Curriculum

At OBS we believe that ensuring our children are safe and happy are vital to their success in life. Our school ‘PROUD’ rules reflect how we expect the children and staff to behave towards each other to maintain a respectful and positive environment (P-polite and helpful, R-respect, and U- understanding others’ needs). We are an inclusive school and are privileged to have an enhanced provision for children with SEND. We value the importance of mental health and wellbeing and nurture each individual through a rounded curriculum, which includes work on emotional intelligence through ‘zones of regulation’ from Nursery to Year 6. Our pastoral team and councillors echo these values through small group work or on an individual basis (including ‘i-heart’, ‘ignite’ and ‘drawing and talking’.


Please see below the OBS Safeguarding and Wellbeing progression map which shows how safeguarding (both themselves and others) is taught discretely and explicitly throughout the curriculum at OBS. The document is split into subject areas and the key focus taught at each year group is identified. It also includes a section on enrichment/ personal development opportunities.

Below are some link to external websites that you might find helpful for yourself, your family or someone you know.
Image result for mens advice
Image result for womens aid
Karma Nirvana

Social Media Guides

Safeguarding Assemblies

Keeping safe in the community assembly slides

NSPCC Pant Rule Video


Pantosaurus dancing


NSPCC 'Say Something' advert


Image result for nspcc say something

Online Safety Video - Have you seen something scary online?
Online Safety Guides for Parents and Carers