Year 6
Meet the Team
As a team we are so excited to teach your children this academic year!
We are passionate about watching them grow, flourish and achieve!
As a teaching team we will give our utmost to nurture them to become resilient leaders of our school, helping us to set the example, to be role models in their conduct, attitude, learning and to access the vast array of extra curricular opportunities available to them this year!
Don't worry if you couldn't attend our 'Meet the Teacher' meeting in the first week of term, watch this video which will explain all you need to know about Year 6!
2024-09-05 16-05-00.mp4
Key Information
PE Uniform Days:
Diary & homework check day:
Kingswood - Dearne Valley - Wednesday 25th June - Friday 27th June 2025
Holocaust Centre - Wednesday 15th January 2025
Supporting your child at home
Y6 children will all have a colour banded reading book which is appropriate for their level as well as a reading for pleasure book. Please support us by reading and discussing their books at home. There is an additional sheet stuck in diaries explaining the goals and how to help your child. The whole school expectation is that children read at home either independently or to an adult at least THREE TIMES A WEEK and it is recorded in their diary (Book title, pages read, adult signature) Diaries are checked on Fridays.
Each week the children will be given ten spellings, engaging in daily practice using a range of fun and helpful activities. You can support them to practice their weekly spellings as well as the common exception words that you will find stuck in their diaries.
Practising their spellings little and often, making it fun is key to helping your children to become confident and successful spellers.
As a team, we can help the children to become super spellers.
Each child has a Times Table Rock Star account and login details are stuck in diaries. This can be accessed from home so please encourage your child to have fun and practise their times tables. The whole school expectation is that children use TTRS at home at least THREE TIMES A WEEK. Inside diaries there is a copy of the times tables up to 12x and a 'key instant recall facts' (KIRFs) which children need to know by the end of the year. Each half term, a KIRF will be focussed on. &
In Year 6, we use these websites to set weekly homework. Your child will have a personal log in for each website stuck in the front of their diaries. These websites are excellent for giving children practise at answering SATS style questions. Homework will be set on a Friday and the children will have a week to complete it. Teachers will check that it has been completed the following Friday. To begin with, we will alternate the homework set (one week Maths, the next week SPAG) and we will build up to setting Maths and SPAG every week)
Optional topic homework
Each half term, to support our topic learning in school, we will be issuing an optional topic homework which is of a creative nature. We will be sending home a sheet at the start of the topic with ideas for creative projects that the children can complete if they wish. We will give the children the whole half term to complete it and will have a showcase of projects in class where the children can show off their work!
Welcome back Year 6! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday and all the staff are really excited to see your faces! This half term our topic will be WORLD WAR TWO and we can't wait to get stuck in to all the brilliant lessons we have planned. We are eagerly anticipating our visit from the Holocaust Centre on the 15th January to support our learning even further. There are a few changes to PE this term; OUTDOOR PE will now be on a TUESDAY and we will be practising and improving our hockey skills and INDOOR PE with Coach Hannah will now be on a FRIDAY. Art lessons with Mrs Maker will continue this term but they will now also be on a FRIDAY.
This week, we had a workshop from Barbara who works for the Mental Health Support Team. The workshop was based on resilience and ways in which we can build our resilience. The children all found it really useful and hopefully can now name ways in which they can manage difficult situations.
On Thursday, Loki's Mum, who is a World War Two reenactor, came into school to share the many artefacts she has at home with the children. Loki's Mum is extremely knowledgeable and the children were fascinated with listening to her stories about the war. The children were lucky enough to handle gas masks, grenades, identification cards, anti-tank bullets, helmets, German plane identification cards, photographs and many more! We would like to send a big THANK YOU to Loki's Mum for sharing all this with us - a great example of History being brought to life!
Visit from the Holocaust Centre
This week on Wednesday, we were visited by Debbie who is a member of the Outreach team at the National Holocaust Centre. She spent half the day in Class 13 and half the day in Class 13. It was a truly fascinating day for Year 6 and we followed the life of Leo Stein who was a Jewish boy living in Germany in the 1930's. We learnt all about how he and his family faced persecution from the Nazis through listening to Leo's story, looking at photographs and examples of propaganda and through studying some artefacts from Leo's life.
Holocaust Memorial Day 2025
On Thursday, we had the privilege of joining the Multi-Schools Outreach event (Zoom) to mark World Holocaust Memorial Day 2025. We had the pleasure of listening to Hedi Argent MBE who was a Jewish girl living in Austria in the 1930's and escaped to live in England. We heard about her traumatic first hand experiences of the anti-semitism she experiences as a child. We were gripped as we listened to her fascinating story and even got to ask her questions at the end. A humbling experience for the whole of Year 6.
We kicked off our World War Two topic with a BANG on the first day back with our WOW day to excited and inspire the children. We learnt about rationing and we made delicious carrot cookies which is a World War Two recipe that uses carrots to make the cookies sweeter as sugar would have been scarce. We also started to learn about 'The Blitz' and completed some fabulous painting of London during this time.
WEEK 7 - WEEK BEGINNING 16.12.2024
A BIG WELL DONE to Cohen who came in FIRST place in Class 13 in our end of topic quiz for our Castaway topic! Uwais came a close second and Ross came third!
WEEK 6 - WEEK BEGINNING 09.12.2024
On Thursday, we had our annual Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Service at Christchurch. Several Year 6 children were chosen to be speakers and they did a fantastic job in telling the Christmas story to everyone as well s introducing the carols. We were extremely PROUD of all of them!
WEEK 5 - WEEK BEGINNING 02.12.2024
Well done to these 8 boys who represented school on Tuesday at a Boys Active competition at Harvey Hadden. You did extremely well and we are all very PROUD of you!
This week in Science we have been learning all about classifying animals. We learnt about what an invertebrate and vertebrate is and how vertebrates are then classified into further groups. We worked in groups and had a go at sorting a set of animals firstly into two groups, then three, then four using different criteria. After this, we learnt about classification keys and how they work. To practice the skill of using a branching key, we had fun trying to sort and classify some Liquorice Allsorts according to their characteristics!
WEEK 4 - WEEK BEGINNING 25.11.2024
On Tuesday this week, Year 6 took a walk down to the River Leen to conduct some field work as part of our 'Castaway' topic where we are learning about rivers. We got VERY lucky with the weather as it was a beautifully bright and sunny winters morning - much better than some of the weather we have had recently! We wrapped up warm and made our way down to the Leen. On our journey, we walked all the way to Bulwell Bogs and back again! We completed some field sketches and labelled parts of the river that we could identify. At three different points along the river, we used dog biscuits to time the speed of the river. We also measured the river depth and found out that where the river was shallower, the speed of the river was faster.
It was a very enjoyable morning (the children were shattered afterwards with how far we had walked) and Miss McCulloch and Mrs Jones were very impressed with how sensible and well behaved the children were.
WEEK 3 - WEEK BEGINNING 18.11.2024
What a busy week we have had this week in Year 6! In Maths, we have continued our learning about fractions and have learnt how multiply fractions by other fractions and by integers as well as learning how to divide fractions by integers. On Thursday, we had an arithmetic review and Miss McCulloch and Mrs Jones were delighted by the progress that Year 6 are making with their arithmetic scores. Keep up the hard work everyone! In English, we have started our innovation and wrote our own versions of 'Keep of the tracks' which is a warning story. We are looking forward to your inventions next week.
In our afternoon lessons, we learnt about how rivers are formed in Geography. In RE, we studied why Christians believe Jesus fufilled the expectations of the Messiah and in Computing we learnt about Copyright when using images to create our own webpages.
The highlight of the week for everyone was our OPAL play morning on Tuesday. How lucky we were that it snowed on Monday evening so we were able to play outside in it on Tuesday morning with our grown ups! Some of the snowmen on the field were very impressive!
Looking forward to next week Year 6.
WEEK 2 - WEEK BEGINNING 11.11.2024
This week has been ANTI-BULLYING WEEK in school. The theme this year is CHOOSE RESPECT and we have been busy in Year 6 thinking about what respect looks like and how we can show respect to others. We discussed the many differences among people and how sometimes we don't always agree with people with differing viewpoints to ours. The children were great at understanding that despite these differing viewpoints or ideas, we must always show respect to others. The children looked at different scenarios and worked in groups to think about if the scenario shows respect or not and how the children in the scenarios might be feeling.
We also designed posters to encourage others in school to show respect.
WEEK 1 - WEEK BEGINNING 04.11.2024
It has been so wonderful to see the children filled with energy and excitement, ready for another half term in Year 6!
We launched our new Castaway topic by discussing what we might find on a desert island and how we might survive there. We then created idyllic watercolour pieces of tropical island landscapes.
This week, we also had the opportunity to build on our learning from last term in our beats and breaths topic. We had a special visit from Libby at Leon's Legacy who taught us the key skill of CPR, using DRSABC to assess the situation first. We all had the opportunity to practice the CPR manoeuvre on practice dummies. The children were thoroughly engaged with this and were able to share lots of their knowledge with Libby, as well as ask lots of questions.
WEEK 7 - WEEK BEGINNING 14.10.2024
It's the final week of Autumn 1! Where have those last 7 weeks gone? They have flown by! It's been a busy final week of the half term in Year 6; it's been assessment week and the children have worked incredibly hard on their test papers. Mrs Jones and Miss McCulloch are DELIGHTED with the progress that the children have made in just half a term! Keep up your hard work everyone. The final week has also marked the end of our 'Beats and Breaths' topic and the children have been completing their 'double page spreads' to showcase everything they have learnt about the circulatory system. Much to the children's delight, we also held our 'End of topic quiz' on Kahoot to see who had retained the most knowledge from our topic. Check out the pictures of our champions below!
We would like to wish you all a happy and relaxing half term break and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 4th November for the start of Autumn Term 2!
WEEK 6 - WEEK BEGINNING 07.10.2024
This week, Year 6 have been scientists and have investigated how our heart rate changes with exercise. Together, we planned out the investigation and we chose which different activities we would do to see which would raise our heart rates the most.
Which do you think?
- Star jumps
- Speed bounce
- Step ups
- Plank
- Sit ups
- Walking
- Jogging
- Running
- Burpees
WEEK 5 - WEEK BEGINNING 30.09.2024
This week in Year 6, we have been learning about what is in our blood and what blood does inside the human body. On Monday and Tuesday, we got really messy in class and had a go at making our own blood! It really helped us to remember the four different components of blood - plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. We also learnt about the job of each of these four components. Come and have a look at us making our very own blood!
WEEK 4 - WEEK BEGINNING 23.09.2024
Thank you to all the parents that attended our Parent Workshop on Tuesday 24th September. It was a great opportunity for us to share our arithmetic skills and discuss how we can best support the children at home.
We looked together at an arithmetic paper and how we would show our working out. We discussed the importance of fluency in our timestables to support us in our arithmetic work for multiplication and division. We also shared our skills and knowledge of Times Table Rock Stars.
Here are a few websites that can support your children with their arithmetic skills:
WEEK 3 - WEEK BEGINNING 16.09.2024
On Monday, we had the pleasure of having a silent disco in school! We all enjoyed dancing along to some of our favourite tunes!
This week we have been learning all about the circulatory system. We have been learning about how the heart works like a pumps and pumps blood through our bodies. We know that it is the blood's job to take water, oxygen and nutrients all around our bodies. As a team, we practiced the journey that blood takes through our bodies!
WEEK 2 - 09.09.2024
Year 6 had their WOW day this week to launch our Beats and Breaths topic. We spent the day using day-to-day resources to make models of how our lungs function. We have saved these in school for when we learn about our lungs in more depth. We also thought about how to keep our diets healthy and created our very own smoothies. We had lots of full tummies and happy faces when testing them!
We have had an EXCELLENT first week back and we have started the year on a high. All of our Year 6 students have shown us that they are ready to be the oldest children in our school, be role models to the younger pupils and lead by example. Many students have signed up to roles and responsibilities around school which is extremely POLITE & HELPFUL. We have completed many baseline assessments this week and the children tackled them with drive and resilience. Well done Year 6 - we can't wait to see what you all achieve this year!