Online Safety at OBS
OBS Computing and Online Usage Policy
At Old Basford School, we take pupil’s safety very seriously, this is at home, in the community, at school and online.
To ensure that online safety is ever present within school life, at the start of each weekly computing lesson, all children briefly discuss/take part in an activity, known as an anchor task, regarding different online safety issues. We use the 8 strands as recommended by the ‘Education for a Connected World Framework’ to ensure our e-safety teaching is up to date and current. The strands are as follows:
Self image and identity
Copyright and ownership
Online bullying
Online relationships
Online reputation
Privacy and security
Health, wellbeing and lifestyle
Managing information online.
Staff are encouraged to also use a reactive approach when planning these tasks to ensure they meet their year group's ever changing needs.
Please use the information below to help your child stay safe online outside of school.
At Old Basford School we aim to provide the children with a computing curriculum that develops them as safe internet users. Children learn the SMART rules and they are displayed around our school. We have a planned, progressive and well thought out computing curriculum that we deliver to our pupils and we often spend time addressing issues, concerns or current trends within our classrooms. We also take part in Safer Internet Day that happens every year.
Although we try to discourage the use of age restricted social media apps and websites, we are aware that some children in our school use apps like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram at home. These apps have an age restriction of 13 as they pose some safety risks to children. In KS2 we teach the children how photographs and messages they put on the internet are there forever and available for the whole world. We also discuss the issue of cyber bullying and the importance that they tell an adult straight away if they feel uncomfortable whilst online.
For children who do use social media, text messaging, emails and youtube we encourage them to be digital citizens by abiding by the THINK statement.
We know how demanding it can be to find the time when you're a busy parent, and also just how daunting it can be to try and work out if the information you've found online is up-to-date. That's why we were so pleased when Internet Matters launched last year.
InternetMatters.org is a portal dedicated to making sure all parents are only a click away from advice, tips and support about online safety for children. The information is divided into age-appropriate sections to help you talk to your child about the issues and technologies they'll come across as they grow up online. From setting your parental controls to teaching your child how to be a good friend online, you'll find a wealth of information so that you can spend less time researching and more time having fun with your family. Clink on the link below to access their free resources.
Other website that you may find useful
www.net-aware.org.uk - This website has some fantastic resources and videos to support discussions with children.
www.internetmatters.org/resources/esafety-leaflets-resources - This website has videos and parent guides to support your understating about age appropriate screen time, gaming, online bullying and general online safety.
www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-centre/parents-and-carers - This website can support with setting parental controls and developing knowledge of social media sites.
www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/talking-child-online-safety - The website gives you advice on how to tackle difficult conversations with your child about online safety.
WhatsApp has an age restriction of 16+ and Snapchat has an age restriction of 13+ so it is recommended that children of a primary age do not use them. However, if you know your child uses them, it is very important that you monitor their use at home.
Please see the links below for a WhatsApp Safety Guide.
There has also been an update to the Snapchat app which means it is possible for people your child is friends with on the app to see their EXACT location in real time. This can pose a huge threat for children who may be friends with strangers. The update can be switched off. Please see the guidance below. It is important we make sure we keep out children safe in the real world and the online world.
To find out more about the OBS Computing curriculum, please click the link below.
Safer Internet Day 2024
Safer Internet Day is the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety. Each year the day covers an online issue or theme that speaks to the things young people are seeing and experiencing online. Created in consultation with young people across the UK, this year Safer Internet Day will be focusing on change online, this includes covering:
- Young people’s perspective on new and emerging technology
- Using the internet to make change for the better
- The changes young people want to see online
- The things that can influence and change the way young people think, feel and act online and offline
We have also launched a competition for children to creatively respond to Safer Internet Day 2024, this could be in the form of a poster or even a video/PowerPoint which can be sent into school to following email address – admin@oldbasford.nottingham.sch.uk. There will be a winner chosen from each year group.
Vodafone have also created some fantastic e-safety books that are available online at no cost.
Digital Parenting eBooks: Chicken Clicking
Digital Parenting eBooks: Old MacDonald Had a Phone
Digital Parenting eBooks: Troll Stinks
Please also see the Internet Safety Day 2024 letter below.
Safer Internet Day 2023
Helping our children stay safe online is paramount and every computing lesson taught in school begins with an online safety focus. However, Tuesday 7th February was Safer Internet Day 2023 and the perfect opportunity to put the spot light on how our children can keep themselves safe while using the internet.
We had a whole school assembly in celebration of Safer Internet Day and over the course of the week the children the children completed activities in class to help them look after themselves in a digital world.
This year’s Safer Internet Day took place around the theme of ‘Want to Talk About it? Making space for conversations about life online’. With this in mind, we have challenged the children to talk about their use of the internet with their family and friends – celebrating not only their favourite things to do online, but also what can happen when things go wrong online.
Have a look at some of the activities we completed below.
Safer Internet Day 2023 letter to parents and carers
Year 3's Safer Internet Day Videos