At Old Basford School, we value teaching for creativity as it enables our children to be more imaginative, inquisitive, persistent, disciplined and collaborative. We find that the impact of a creative and theme- based learning is to really engage the children, giving them a deeper knowledge of the topic and ultimately having a positive impact on achievement and wellbeing. We hope that our approach sparks enjoyment and interest that inspires as well as supports their learning into the future.
We have created 'knowledge organisers' for each of our topics that have the main facts, key vocabulary, timelines and images for the children to use during topic lessons. Their knowledge organisers are used as an aid during lessons as well as helping with retention of facts. The children will compile a portfolio of 'knowledge organisers' for their time at Old Basford.
At the beginning of each half term, the children are asked a set of focussed key questions (that embody the main knowledge we wish the children to grasp through the topic) which they then answer again at the end of the half term as a form of assessment and indication of progress. The children are given the opportunity to record their answers creatively as a 'double-page spread'. One of the topic questions for assessment is posed as a 'Big Question' which is more ‘philosophical’ and intended as a way of getting the children to really think about why it is important to learn about the topic and what impact it has on their own lives.
As part of our ongoing assessment, each lesson begins with a ‘warm up’ of three questions that help with recall and retention. We ask the children questions about the previous lesson, the previous topic and about a topic from the previous year.
Finally, at the end of every half term, teachers assess their children’s ability in each foundation subject against the relevant skills ladder. This information is reported to parents in the annual report, is passed on to the next year group teacher so it can be built upon year on year, and the relevant subject leader for monitoring purposes.
In summary, we believe that the Old Basford 'whole curriculum' has a positive impact on all of our children, in their academic, cultural, moral and emotional success that will be long lasting beyond their time at primary school.
Most importantly, Old Basford children are happy children!
Opportunities Bring Success!