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Maths at Old Basford School


Mr Hill - Maths Lead

I have been at Old Basford since 2013 and have taught across KS2 during this time. I love working at Old Basford and leading maths across the whole school. I am passionate about ensuring that our children leave school equipped with the maths skills and knowledge that will allow them to be successful in later life.

'Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.'

Shakuntala Devi

Maths Curriculum at OBS

At Old Basford we use the White Rose Maths Hub plans across school to ensure that there is appropriate breadth and depth in our maths curriculum.  Pupils have many opportunities to practise the basic skills and memorise key number facts such as number bonds and times tables to help them develop greater fluency in their mathematical development.  There are also many opportunities for children to develop their mathematical reasoning and problem solving.  For further information on the White Rose Maths Hub scheme and how parents can support their children please visit the White Rose Maths Hub website (link below).

OBS Whole School Maths Progression

The document below shows further detail of how our curriculum is broken down and the amount of time we spend on particular units of work. 

Old Basford KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts)

As a school, we recognise the importance of fluency and mental skills in mathematics for all children and being secure in the recall of the key facts for their year group. This will enable children to approach more complex maths with confidence and flexibility. This year, Old Basford has introduced KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) across school to help children develop these skills and improve their confidence in maths.

What are KIRFs and why are they important?

KIRFs are the ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’ that children need to secure during their primary years. They include facts such as number bonds and times tables. They are particularly useful when calculating, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing but also underpin many other areas of mathematics. For example, in order to find equivalent fractions in Year 6, children need to be able to rapidly recall their knowledge of common multiples (numbers in particular times tables). When children have quick access to a bank of facts, which incur little cost to working memory, they have more capacity to think about more complex problems that draw on these facts. We have noticed that without regular rehearsal, these facts are forgotten so it is essential they are practised regularly and embedded in children’s long-term memory so they can be recalled quickly and accurately.


How will KIRF learning work at Old Basford?

Every half term, each year group will have a focus on a particular set of KIRFs which build on what children have previously learned. Children will be taught their KIRFs in school as part of their daily maths lessons and teachers will also assess the children to make sure they are being retained.

We would really appreciate it if parents could help support this learning by encouraging their children to practise the KIRF that they are working on for that half- term. Learning KIRFs shouldn’t be time-consuming. In fact, KIRFs can be practised anywhere: in the car, walking to school, at the dinner table. The most important thing is facilitating regular practice.

In your child’s diary you will find a copy of the whole school KIRF document so you can see what the focus is for that half term. We have also created a handy hints booklet which contains a range of games or ideas for practising KIRFs which should help make this fun for your children. In addition to this there is a multiplication pack containing a number of fun games to help your child learn their multiplication facts in a fun way.

We thank you for supporting your child in developing as a confident mathematician. We strongly believe that with factual fluency, your child will become much more confident when working with number and be able to access the curriculum year-on-year with more confidence and enjoyment.

If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Times Tables at OBS

As part of the curriculum, children learn about times tables in class, but without regular practice at home, it is difficult to ensure the facts are embedded in children’s memories. Children who know their times tables thoroughly achieve much better results in maths than those who don’t. A lack of knowledge in this area often becomes a real barrier to learning as times tables underpins so much of maths.

We would be extremely grateful if you could encourage your children to practice their times tables and associated division facts as regularly as possible at home. Don’t underestimate the difference it makes! All children have Times Tables Rock Stars logins and you may also find the link below useful, which has some activities and simple ways of practicing.

Year 4 Multiplication Check 2024

As you may be aware, the DfE introduced a multiplication tables check for children in Year 4 a few years ago. The purpose of the check is to determine whether children can fluently recall their times tables up to 12 x 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics.

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools or academies (including free schools) in England.

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.



Calculation Policy
