It is our intention to enhance the learning experiences of all of our pupils. When planning our curriculum we have given great consideration about our responsibility as educators and what it is we actually want to impart to our children. At Old Basford, our main intention is to create learners who are imaginative, inquisitive, persistent, disciplined and collaborative through 'The 4 Es'.
At Old Basford School:
- You will be educated with the knowledge you need.
- You will be equipped with the skills you require.
- You will be enriched through our provision of opportunities that will inspire and motivate you.
- When you have been educated, equipped and enriched you will be empowered with the qualities to be life-long learners.
The curriculum at Old Basford School is all the learning and experiences, formal and informal, that we provide on a daily basis. This is implemented not only through the 2014 National Curriculum, the agreed local syllabus for Religious Education, the Jigsaw programme (social, emotional and wellbeing education) and the Early Years Foundation Stage, but through an extremely wide range of extra-curricular activities.
We offer a rich and diverse curriculum that is broad and balanced whilst still being appropriate to the children's ages, abilities and aptitudes, regardless of gender, cultural or religious identity, ethnicity or specific need.
Through our work with the 'Creativity Collaboratives', we endeavour to teach the children the characteristics of being a life-long learner through the five creative habits of mind (Lucas, Claxton and Spencer); being imaginative, inquisitive, disciplined, persistent and collaborative .
As well as the National Curriculum linked learning, we also have enrichment events (weeks and days), such as Anti-bullying week, Odd Socks Day, Comic Relief, Macmillan events. We are a Royal Shakespeare Company Lead Associate School, which involves a yearly focused week on a Shakespeare play, as well as staff training in the use of drama rehearsal-room techniques to be transferred to all areas of the curriculum throughout the year.
Our extensive after-school extra-curricular provision is another important aspect of enhancing our pupils’ learning and experiences. Children in all year groups are involved in a wealth of sports, music and art activities provided by staff and outside specialists. Involvement from parents with curriculum workshops, galleries and exhibitions, visits from outside providers and trips into the wider community are regular enhancements to our curriculum.