Old Basford School

Opportunities Bring Success

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Goodbye Year 6

It is time to say goodbye to our year 6 pupils.  It has been an incredibly tough two years for them due to COVID but they have all stuck with it and made it to the end.  Miss Crosby asked class 14 for some words to describe themselves: full of character, skilled, funny, sporty, bright, worldly wise, loud and a little bit bonkers!  I would whole heartily agree and think they sum up our Year 6 cohort. 


I wish all of our year 6 pupils a fantastic summer and a successful start to their secondary school life - they need to embrace the new opportunities, face the challenges head on and be the very best that they can be.


Today, we celebrated the annual Year 6 leavers assembly in true OBS style (with some COVID restrictionsJ) and awarded pupils for their successes.  The winners were:


Lockdown legends – Jailiah and Kuzey

Sports boy – Ryan

Sports Girl – Maria

Fair play – Jeziah

Writer – Zack

Mathematician – Avi

Science – Marvin

Creativity – Ruby

Cup of Kindness – Rhia

Unsung hero – Natalia

Star of Basford – Utku


We have added a new award to the Year 6 collection this year – The Unsung Hero.  Miss Eccleston wanted to leave Old Basford with a new award that celebrated the ultimate always child.  Someone who always tries their very best, someone who always follows the rules, someone who carers for other and someone who does this for no recognition but because they want to.  We look forward to seeing the shield fill with names.


Unfortunately due to COVID, we were not able to present any ‘sporting appearances’ awards, as the opportunities have not been there.


Not only did we say goodbye to our year 6 today, we also said goodbye to Miss Eccleston and Mr Burrows.  Both of whom are leaving OBS to start a new adventures in their teaching career.  It has been an emotional day but I would like to officially say ‘Thank you for all your hard work and commitment to OBS’.

