Old Basford School

Opportunities Bring Success

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This morning in our whole school assembly we had a very special guest speaker join Mrs Shaw - former OBS pupil ... Shanice Barnes!


Now 17 years old, Shanice shared with the pupils her strongest memories of OBS, how it developed her as person, the skills and qualities she now sees in herself that began during her primary school life and the opportunities she grabbed from the ages of 4-11. 


The children were hanging on her every word, they loved seeing her Year 6 cardigan and all of the badges she achieved! Shanice shared many photos of her from F2 to Y6: taking part in achievement assemblies, school productions, street dance and athletics competitions and a School Trip to Madrid, Spain she went on to meet our Spanish pen pals to name but a few!


She also shared how OBS prepared her for secondary school life, what she has gone on to achieve since and her aspirations for the future ... which included being a Speech and Language Therapist.


HUGE thanks to Shanice for giving up her time to join us and for inspiring the next generation of OBS pupils!
