Many of our children, following the England VS Bulgaria football match on Monday night and the appalling scenes from racist members of the crowd, were discussing on the playground before school and at breaktime how awful and upsetting it was to watch.
I invited our new OBS 2019-2020 Sports Captains for school to meet with me during afternoon assembly that day. Led by them and their thoughts and ideas, the captains and I put together a plan of action to show, how as a school, we celebrate equality and diversity and that we wanted to use the match as a platform to demonstrate this.
That afternoon, the Sports Captains created and made over 500 Red Cards for all pupils and staff to wear on Friday (today) during our Annual OBS Mini Marathon event. The OBS Sports Captains also asked if pupils could come to school wearing their PE Kit and 1 item of RED clothing to support the SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD campaign!
As well as creating the 500+ red cards, the OBS Sports Captains created a flyer that they handed out to parents at the end of the school day. They also held many mature conversations with the adults, who were coming to collect their children, as to why they had come up with this idea!
This morning (Friday) we have held our Annual Mini Marathon, all 480 children and all members of staff have run our OBS Mini Marathon course whilst each wearing their SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD labels and an item of red clothing.