Old Basford School

Opportunities Bring Success

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We here at OBS we continue to be incredibly PROUD of our strong relationship with Clover Green Residential Home for the Elderly.


Yesterday our Y5 children spent some of the morning with the Clover Green elderly residents discussing Nottingham now and in the past, which is linked to their historical topic of Nottingham's Goose Fair!


We received the following message of thanks and appreciation from the Manager of Clover Green:


Thank you Old Basford School


Our elderly residents  really really enjoyed their time with our y5 pupil so much they want to come  in to the school to see them again very soon. We were hoping to attend your pantomine and I will be in touch shortly to arrange that.


The visit  really helped in boosting their confidence and definitely improved their mood as some of them can get a bit fed up, but they seemed like different people when they were around your pupils this morning and were far more positive in themselves.


So thank you so much for coming and for all of your help . I know it all takes time for you to organise and if you have any more ideas about working together let me know.



